Zach Aaron Interview by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show

 Zach Aaron Interview by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show

Lamitschka:  How did you choose the title for the CD?  Is there a story behind the name?

Answer: Fill Dirt Wanted. Didn’t overthink it too much – it’s the name of one of the songs on the album. I
was driving home one day and I realized how many people in my hometown
(outside of Cleveland, Texas about 45 min from Houston) have “Fill Dirt
Wanted” signs in their yard. So, I went home and this song just poured
out of me.

Lamitschka:  Do you write the songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?

Answer:  I sure do. I believe that I am a songwriter before anything else. 

Lamitschka:  Who inspires you musically and how deep do your musical roots run?

Answer:  Woody Guthrie, mostly. Though I change my musical inspiration quite frequently. I didn’t grow up playing music. I picked up guitar while working a construction job after high school. I got hooked on it then I started singing and writing my own songs. I got a whole lot of satisfaction from finishing my first song even though it was terrible. I still get that same amount of satisfaction from finishing songs today.

Lamitschka:  Do fans mob you everywhere you go or do they respect your privacy?

Answer:  No, they don’t mob me. I did have a young lady walk up to me one time and say “Hey, are you Zach Aaron?”. I said yes. She said “Hi” and walked away. I also had one lady come up to me and say “What is your Name?” I said “ Zach”. She said “OH MY GOD, WHAT IS YOUR LAST NAME?”. I said “Aaron”. She then said that she was going to throw up because she was such a big fan of my music and she couldn’t believe that she got to meet me. I thought that was cool. She didn’t throw up. 

Lamitschka:  Many music fans today get their information about artists online. Do you have your own website and what will fans find there?

Answer:  Sure do. It is You can find links to videos, our tour schedule, the online merch store and plenty of cool pics.

Lamitschka:  What’s the best compliment a fan has ever given you?

Answer:  I think somebody crying while you’re playing a song you wrote is prolly the biggest compliment you can get as a songwriter. That’s happened to me a couple times and I’m pretty sure they were crying at the song.

Lamitschka:  Is there anything in your life that you would change if you could?

Answer: Yeah, I wanna train a pig to be like my road dog.

Lamitschka:  Is there any place you haven’t played that you would like to?

Answer:  Anywhere overseas. Germany would be nice 😉

Lamitschka:  What can your fans expect to see when they see you in concert?

Answer:  Denim.

 Photo (c) ZachAaronbyCrazyRhythmPhotography

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