Trace Adkins – Love Will….

Trace Adkins
Love Will….
 Product Details
When I Stop
Loving You          3:21 So What If I Do   3:25 Come See Me      2:58
Right Now       3:10 Everyone of You 3:15The Altar of Your Love     3:32
Kiss You All
Over        5:13     If the Sun Comes Up   4:30 Say
No To A Woman       3:39
Watch the World
End (Featuring Colbie Caillat )                      4:40 Love Will             3:56

asleep, eyes straining to stay open and somewhat delirious, my fingers hit the
keyboard at about the exact same time the album began to play. Having recently
finished a few female artist reviews I almost wrote the name ‘Tracy’ as he
began to sing. I’m sure glad I didn’t, because if Trace Adkins found out I know
he’d kick my ass.

            But seriously, who wouldn’t
recognize those distinct baritone vocals? The four time Grammy nominee, the
winner of five ACM and CMT awards, the philanthropist, the author, the TV
personality, and above all the man who deeply cares for his family. This is
Trace Adkins 11th album. It’s being released by Show Dog- Universal
Music and the production is exactly what you’d expect, if not more, from such a
well respected organization.

            Due to my reviewing schedule, I’ve
an equalizer on this computer that’s top notch. I suggest you download one too.
Then, fix your settings so you can listen to it live in bed like I have. Let me
run through some songs off the album:

I Stop Loving You
is a truck-stop proposition that takes the two on a north-
south-east-west long distance run. This song is going to have a lot of guys
getting down on one knee and pressing play.

  So What If I Do adds a sentimental,
almost personal, sense of depth to this album with a saxophone leering through
the twisting alleyways of his voice as it snakes through this ballad.

See Me
takes it to a very romantic level. Forget putting on Marvin Gaye
when you’re trying to snuggle-up after a night out, this song will help you get
it on.       

You All Over
displays the range that Trace Adkins possesses. His vocals
seem to walk into the clouds then slowly descend to ease into the ending. You
see this on If the Sun Comes up. The
latter songs imagery paints the scene of both.

the World End (Featuring Colbie Caillat )        

is a ‘what if song’ that is intensely thought provoking. The song puts all
things in perspective on this journey of life. It is a humbling song for anyone
who believes the things they accumulate are the most important for them.

is the song that puts the overall message of the album to the
listener. I don’t think I should give away too much. I believe the album will
mean different things to every different listener. Personally I believe, When I Stop Loving You, will become that
‘on the road childhood memory song’. For me, there was Kenny Rogers “The
Gambler” as well as John Denvers “Country Roads.” Those are the songs that I
grew up with that travel with me when I go.

I suggest that you should buy this album,
wait in line if you have to. It’s worth it. After that, put it on, play it,
suggest it to someone else, give it as a gift. You’ll be happy you did, and
everyone else you come in contact with will be as well.   

Jeremy Frost for Country Music News International

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