Steel Guitar News May 31. 2012

Hello fellow players,

Here we are, Memorial Day is over and the beginning of the heavy playing schedule should be in full swing. Do any of you live in a military town where you get to work pretty continuously around the clock for soldiers, sailors, airmen and anyone military?

I remember living in Norfolk, Virginia where there were many military bases all of which were busy all the time and there was more than enough work for everybody in sight. I hope this is the way things are now in cities like Philadelphia, Norfolk-Portsmouth, San Diego and Bridgeport, Connecticut.

These were wonderful places to work. They treated the bands that worked for them very wonderfully. Nashville does not have this. This is one of the things I miss about Norfolk. However, many cities around the US have a lot of military like Fort Knox in North Carolina, Fort Campbell northwest of Nashville and Fort Hood in Texas along with many other military bases in Texas and Oklahoma.

Anyway, there are many bases all over the United States that offer lots of opportunity for playing. Check out these as many of the good venues for playing any kind of music, especially the real country we love, can be found on or near these bases.

I have found these bases to be a tremendous amount of fun to work because military personnel really appreciate the shows and you guys that are in the military that are on our mailing list need to help by talking to the people that do the booking on your base and let them know that there’s a lot of good, live talent to be had for good prices.

Music is music no matter how far the musicians have to drive to get there. I’m saying this partially because Memorial Day has reminded me this and partially because for any local talent you have playing any of your clubs at the base, I’d appreciate it if you’d please be sure to let the base club masters know how much you appreciate it.

Some of the greatest western swing bands in music I have ever heard I have heard and seen playing these clubs. For any steel players stationed on any of these bases, just let me know and I will give you added percentages off retail price on anything you would like. Thank you very dearly for the services you have rendered to all of us in the United States that owe you so much.

In closing I need to mention I accidentally deleted all the emails I received in the last couple of days, so if you sent me an email and I didn’t reply to it, I’d appreciate it if you’d please send it again.

Check out our monthly specials at and we’ll try to save you a lot of money.

Your buddy,

Steel Guitar Nashville
123 Mid Town Court
Hendersonville, TN. 37075
(615) 822-5555
Open 9AM – 4PM Monday – Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday

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