Naomi Judd versus CMT, CMA and ACM

The following “Letter to
the Editor”
from Naomi Judd could not have come at a better
time.  It brought attention to the fact that CMT who has annually stunk up
the television with their so-called awards shows and their Rock n Roll grouping
of names that do not even belong on this show, but I guess when you are in dire
need of better ratings, you will do anything.  Thank you Naomi for
speaking out and for standing up for what country music stands for. 
Now where are the other artists
who have been a part of the country music industry for the good years, when
paying tribute to artists who had passed on was a part of the country
music.  George Jones got a short remembrance, and Jack Greene was totally
ignored.  And to have the Mavericks sing any version of “The Race Is
On,” was not right. 
CMT has been shaming country music
for years with their awards show for loud music, funky artists that don’t
have a clue how to spell country music let alone sing it.  Their show is
so bad that it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of country music, but it jacks
up the ego’s of many of the new artists, not all of them, but a bunch of
them.  The attendance at these shows is large because the fans come to
Nashville to see their favorite country music stars, but no one flies the
banner of the legends, the veterans, or those who have passed on. 
CMT’s producers and talent directors will have to come up with a much
better production plan before they can compete with CMA or ACM.
If Naomi Judd is worried about
what the effect of her letter will have for her future appearances on CMT, she
need not worry.  Being banned from CMT is not her loss… The change
in country music has been drastic over the past 5-10 years and the price we are
paying is evident in what we see on these awards shows.  
(c) Marty Martel
The following is
Naomi Judd’s comments:
CMT Awards did a disservice to country fans, Jones’ legacy
George Jones is to country music
what The Beatles are to pop, the Rolling Stones to rock, Elvis to rockabilly,
Mozart to classical and Aretha to soul.
Yet, the “Country”
Music Television awards show allowed only a “by the way” mention of
Jones’ death and legacy. Incongruously, they chose alternative music
group the Mavericks to perform their short version of George’s “The
Race Is On.”
True country music fans are a
loyal bunch and are passionate about our roots and heritage.
Every year, CMT includes artists
of unrelated genres, many of whom some country music fans don’t even
know. I suggest the CMT Awards show change its name. Perhaps to “the
Multi-Genre Awards Show, Featuring Artists under 30.”
I realize speaking out will cause
me to now be forever banned by CMT. But I’m tired of folks messing with
my country music. Especially when it involves my dear friend George Jones.

Naomi Judd
Leiper’s Fork 37064

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