Interview with SIVAUNT

Interview with SIVAUNT
Lamitschka:  Music has many new
fans throughout Europe who may be hearing about you for the first
time. How would you describe yourself and the music you play to
someone who has never seen or heard you?
SIVAUNT:  Savant! Genious! Intense
and interesting compeling story’s about life. Sivaunt’s music is
miror image to our life . Blood sweat and tears plus fun!
Lamitschka:  How was the last year
for you? What were your highlights?
SIVAUNT:  It was a great year. We
exsposed Sivaunt to so many incredible people and developed so many
industry relationships with great some of the best. Many like
Lamitschka:  What is your latest
CD and how’s it doing?
SIVAUNT:  Radio Soul. Is doing
quite well and breaking many markets and genres I never exspected.
Can’t wait to be part of a major tour . The songs are very fun to
perform on this C.D.
Lamitschka:  How did you choose
the title for the CD?  Is there a story behind the name?
SIVAUNT:  It is the epedomy of
what Sivaunt is savant. A stroke of Genious while the ideal came out
of a song title of of the album. It is what we shoot for every time
we hit the studio. Radio Soul. Something comercial that has the roots
of great music in it. That is Radio Soul.
Lamitschka:  Do you write the
songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for
your CD?
SIVAUNT:  Yes ! Sivaunt is the
song writing of Brian Garrett and Sidney Jordan. We constructed our
own sound of country with rock and funk influences. We write all of
our songs. No let down in that department. We actually write so many
songs that we often have to let the people choose before we go to
print! We always test market our music first! The songs we pick are
usually the songs are friends and fans like. As we allwasy test
market our music first. No sence in releasing songs only we like.
Lamitschka:  Please tell us about
the songs on your album (influences, etc). 
SIVAUNT:  We are glad you asked
this question. We use a country juke joint style to our music. Songs
like Self -Esteem , The Morning After and This Ain’t the same old
music kind of are the statement song’s on our album. We also have a
great song called God Bless America. . To keep our ballad fans happy
we added a great song called Just You.
Lamitschka:  What is the
difference between your last CD and your current one?
SIVAUNT:  Our first batch of
material was a ballad mode that we were set in. Included songs like
The closer we get,What Ever and Fall in love. Really classic material
that is still getting spins three years later . We may use a few on
our first major release. Maybee. We went up tempo a notch simply
beause that is what was comming next. And we are  realy flowing
musicly. So you really can hear this on songs like Radio Soul and The
Morning After. and Sun Shine On My Mind!
Lamitschka:  Your current single
is being played by radio. What do you feel is special about this song
that makes people want to hear it?
SIVAUNT:  Sun Shine On My Mind !
It’s just fun. Something everybody can relate to and have a good
time. No need to change the station. 
Lamitschka:  What will your next
single be?
SIVAUNT:  We are realy planning a
very nice video for the single the Morning After. We realy will rely
on video to decide the next single. After we are done with that. It
probably will decide what single we will release next. But a toss up
between The Morning After, Self -Esteem and This Ain’t The Same Old
Music for sure.
Lamitschka:  What kind of songs do
you like to record the most?
SIVAUNT:  As  produce’s  and
artist we love all genres of music. We realy have a personal love for
Country,Rock and R&b.Secret we also have completed several Jazz
,House and Techno projects and produce hip hop music for other artist
and tv and film.
Lamitschka:  What is your favorite
song among all the songs you have recorded and what’s the story
behind it?
SIVAUNT:  I would say The Closer
We Get. It realy gave us something to build on as a group.We both
played and sang on it together and realy got us started.
Lamitschka:  What’s unique about
you that will differentiate you from other artists?
SIVAUNT:  We really are
accomplished with our tallents. But we still give in to the song and
the listener. Not so cosmetic. Real people that are approachable on
so many levels.I think so many artist never gain or some how loose
that ability sometimes.
Christian Lamitschka (

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