Interview with Michelle Turley

Interview with Michelle Turley

by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show

Christian Lamitschka: I am Christian Lamitschka and today I present you Michelle Turley. Michelle, welcome to the show.
Michelle Turley: Thank you very much, pleasure to be here.
Christian Lamitschka: Michelle, can you please introduce yourself to the European country music fans who may be hearing about you for the first time?
Michelle Turley: Sure, I am Michelle Turley, I’m originally from New Mexico in the US, a little tiny town and I’m kind of new to country music. This is my second CD that will be released in June. We had much success with our first CD with two number-one hits. “Caroline” and “Hard Times” both on the Indie World Country Chart and also New Music Weekly as high as the top ten. I’m real happy about that. We’re just releasing our second single called “My X Husband” and you can follow that through a lot of the website and keep your fingers crossed. We’ll see what happens.
Christian Lamitschka: The title “My X Husband”, am I allowed to ask if it’s about you?
Michelle Turley: Well, I think it’s pretty self-explanatory don’t you? (laughing) Yes, it is, it’s inspired by my ex-husband. I didn’t write this song, I can’t take credit for it. My brother wrote the song, it’s a family affair, we do everything together. I have two brothers that are involved producing and writing as well. He wrote this song based on my relationship based on my ex-husband. We released it on Valentine’s Day. How apropos!
Christian Lamitschka: Did he get a lot of insight stories from you about your marriage about you and your ex-husband or?
Michelle Turley: Yes he did, there is a little bit of embellishment as well, but it makes for a fun song, I think everybody that listens to it, regardless on going through a bad relationship or not. It’s more of a spoof than a comedy than anything, just to laugh at the whole idea of divorce instead of being sad about it.
Christian Lamitschka: Let me ask you, what uniqueness differentiate you to other artists?
Michelle Turley: Oh my voice, my voice is very unique and the style of writing the music. It’s definitely more old-style country, which I prefer the traditional style with a little bit of update with the production and everything. My heart belongs to the old-style of traditional country and I don’t think there really has been a large market for that lately, and I certainly hope to try to be the one to bring that back. I think that’s about it, unique that way.

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