Interview with LeAnn Rimes

Interview with LeAnn Rimes by Christian Lamitschka

Lamitschka: Music has many new fans throughout Europe who may be hearing about you
for the first time. How would you describe yourself and the music you
play to someone who has never seen or heard you?
LeAnn: Soulful / honest / confessional / heartbreakingly triumphant / epic /
anthemic /intimate   /  a journey of the heart and spirit /
Lamitschka: How did you choose the title for the CD?  Is there a story behind the name?
LeAnn: The song “Remnants” which is also the title of my new record is one of
my favorite tracks we have written.  When I listen to it I feel like I
can conquer any problem I am facing that day. No matter what little I
feel or what I feel  I have left of me I know I can rise up and make
miracles happen. 
Lamitschka: What is the difference between your last CD and your current one?


LeAnn: My last project “Spitfire” was more of a confession, pages pulled from a
journal. My new project “Remnants” could be summed up as more of a
Lamitschka: Please tell us about the songs on your album (influences, etc). 
LeAnm: This album feels like a soulful nurturing gospel record to me…
influenced by my mothers roots in Mississippi..  there is inspirational
side to the record,, a narrative of coming out and through to the other
Lamitschka: What moments in your career stand out in your memory as highlights and achievements which you are proud of?
LeAnn: I am proud that i have made it through these last couple of decades of
creating music and i feel like i am at a new beginning of making music
where my history and my future are meeting in a beautiful exciting
place…i am excited to see where it will lead me.
Lamitschka: When you get time off, how do you like to relax?
LeAnn: With my husband, my two step kids, my dogs, my friends, great food,
being in nature and giving out as much love as possible.
Lamitschka: Is there any place you haven’t played that you would like to?
LeAnn: Wow i have to think on this for a second,  Bonnaroo or Glastonbury
festivals.. i love so many different types of music and people…
Lamitschka: What message would you like to send your European fans?
LeAnm: I am so excited that we will be spending more and more time together.  Growing together through songs.
Lamitschka: What’s your favorite song that you wish you could have recorded?
LeAnn: I Can’t Make You Love Me  .. gorgeous heartbreaking song.  Those are the best kind.
Lamitschka: Is there anything in your life that you would change if you could? 
LeAnn: Perhaps starting a lot earlier in life to take life and love in.  it
went by so fast when i was younger. these days  i am learning to
appreciate all the little special things in life.
Photo (c) by  Steven Sebring

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