Interview with Cold Ford

Interview with Cold Ford

by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show

Christian Lamitschka: I’m Christian Lamitschka and today I present you Cold Ford. Cold, welcome to the show.
CF: Thank you. How are you man?!
Christian Lamitschka: Doing ok! How are you?
Cold Ford: Doing well, doing well.
Christian Lamitschka: Good to know. Since the last time we met each other, maybe two years ago?
Cold Ford: Yea, at least a couple years ago.
Christian Lamitschka: What have you been doing since that time?
Cold Ford: It’s been crazy. The record sales have become bigger and bigger and the touring has gotten bigger and bigger and I’m just keep doing what I do and more and more people and radio is starting to give me a bigger chance. I’m having fun, I love playing music. You get to play for people, I consider that a blessing, so I’m just luck to be able to do it.
Christian Lamitschka: The new record you have is a full album?
Cold Ford: Yea.
Christian Lamitschka: Let’s talk about the songs, what kind of songs you have on the album, and which is your persona favorite and what’s your story behind it?
Cold Ford: Well there’s a album that’s out right now that’s been out, but the new come out May 3rd I think, and it’s called “Every Chance I Get”. The first single is a song called “Country Thang”, which is a real kind of; it’s pretty hard kind, more my kind of thing. It kind of says it’s either in your blood or it ain’t, you know what I mean. I mean it’s like there’s no fake or anything pretend about it. This album is probably the best thing I’ve done I think. It’s really rockin’. The whole album is pretty up-temp and rockin’, but my favorite on the record is a song I did called “She Likes To Ride In Trucks”, which is a song about my daughter who is about to turn sixteen years old and she is getting to need me as much. She wants to go out and hang out and be with her friends and stuff. It’s kinda coming of age song that’s real personal for me and I got Creg Morgan on the song with me, which is really cool. It’s one of those songs, I don’t care if anybody really likes it, I made it just for her and for, it’s really cool.
Christian Lamitschka: The time is passed that you play bodyguard for her?
Cold Ford: Yea, I still play that, but what do you do, I mean you’re a dad, she’s growing up and she don’t need me around as much as she used to. You know, she’s a good girl and I’m happy for her; I’m scared and happy all at the same time; it’s fun to watch ‘em grow up, but it’s a little bit frightening too.
Christian Lamitschka: Does she try to follow your music business?
Cold Ford: I don’t think so, no, she’s not really into that. There’s two things she wants to do, either be a fashion designer or a chef. The two things she likes to do. I’ve never been one of those fathers, I’ve got a son also, eleven, he’s a good athlete, whatever makes them happy and healthy and have good manors. That’s all I’m really worried about.
Christian Lamitschka: A fashion designer would be a good idea, she can create your stage style.
Cold Ford: I don’t know that she wants to do something, that will be a lot of fabric her creatin’ my stage style. You know it’s funny, I kinda have my own thing. This T-shirt is a bit different, but I find these kind of western shirts and I put my own patches on. I kinda created my own style, they don’t really make things cool for fat guys, so I kinda made my own fat-guy cool thang. Maybe I need to turn that into my own clothing line.
Christian Lamitschka: You know “Asteriks and Oberliks” this comic from France?
Cold Ford: No, I do not, nah.
Christian Lamitschka: He always says, “I’m not fat, whose fat, he might be your half your size”.
Cold Ford: That’s funny, I haven’t heard, I look that up!
Christian Lamitschka: Let’s talk about your music again. What can people expect to see when they visit one of your concerts.
Cold Ford: I have probably one of the most high-energy shows that’s on the road right now, my band is one of the best live bands see.

Christian Lamitschka ( )

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