The Grascals Featured In’s 12 Days of Country
Cookies (& Treats)
Group Grabs Holiday Spirit & Gifts “Secret” Upside Down
Apple Pie Recipe To Fans

Nashville, TN (December 12, 2011) — The Grascals head in to the holiday season full of good cheer and, well, pie. “We’re just full of it,” laughs the group co-founder Jamie Johnson. “El’s wife, Catherine Lundy-Eldredge, makes a mean Upside Down Apple Pie, and we’ve been doing some serious taste-testing!” The dish is so delightful that is including the recipe in their 12 Days of Country Cookies (& Treats) feature, and fans can grab the recipe for this down-home dessert at,,GAC_26058_104272,00.html or from
Grascalites who want to see more of their favorite band can catch The Grascals’ November 7 performance ( on THE LATE LATE SHOW WITH CRAIG FERGUSON. The audience loved the group’s version of “Louisiana Saturday Night,” and it’s the perfect Christmas Eve entertainment for Bluegrass lovers since December 24 falls on a Saturday this year.
Learn more about these engaging entertainers at