CD: THE MORRIS BROTHERS Heaven Awaits – Bluegrass Gospel


Heaven Awaits – Bluegrass Gospel
Nearing The Border – Safe In My Savior’s
Arms – Waiting For Him To Come Down – When I See Heaven – Heaven’s
Avenue – The Distant Shore – Keep Traveling On – Shadow Of His Wings –
He’s Taking Me Out – Since I Met Jesus – Heavenly Places – Moving On
It’s a musical treat for me today, listening to a great
traditional country CD from Terry Robbins down Alabama way, and then
turning to extremely good Bluegrass Gospel from the Morris Brothers,
 down Georgia way.  Wow, this is a treat no matter how you look at it,
or in my case listen at it.  Many of my regular readers know the Morris
Brothers, Herb & Homer, they have been to our festival in LeMars,
Iowa, several times, however these brothers are 86 and 88 years old
respectively, and dearly love the ‘gift’ they have received from our
Lord and Savior, namely ‘music.’  In their case it’s the music of the
common man, the rural American, the down-home folks.  The astonishingly
beautiful simple music that our Lord Jesus must like a whole big bunch,
or it wouldn’t still exist, and exist in such a beautiful simple way
through the words, music, and instruments of the Morris Brothers.  At
this late time in their lives, they are experiencing the very pleasant
feeling of knowing their songs are being heard wherever there is
Bluegrass Gospel being played.  More recently they discovered their
music is very popular in China.  Amazing huh?  For the amount of time
the Morris Brothers have devoted to Christian Bluegrass Gospel music
(their entire lives), I believe there is no other ‘brother act’ or band
or anyone, who has done it so successfully as the Morris Brothers have. 
I especially like track-3 on this incredibly beautiful album.  “Waiting
For Him To Come Down” is about the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He
promised us He would return, and He will, but it is not ours to know
when.  BUT, we pray every day for His return, just as the Morris
Brothers do.  I do it in my prayers, they do it in their music.  What a
beautiful treat it is to listen to this kind of music, so American, so
truthful, so honest, so blessed.  This may very well be the last CD the
Morris Brothers record.  Even though their voices are just as healing,
just as pleasant, just as vibrant as they have always been. Steve Easter
is their producer, and he knows exactly how to put the Morris Brothers
music together, bringing their voices to the epitome of legendary
perfection.  Especially prepared for the only perfect one, our Lord
Jesus Christ. Music makers are terrific on this project, and under the
direction of ‘Rabbit’ Easter it comes together incredibly beautiful. 
Joel Key on guitar & bass; Danny Roberts on mandolin; Bruce Watkins
on fiddle, acoustic guitar, & mandolin; Jared Easter on mandolin;
Daniel Addison on harmonica (especially nice on “Keep Travelin’ On,” a
song Homer wrote.  Matter of fact Homer had a hand in writing eleven of
the twelve songs on this album. And we won’t forget Rabbit played banjo,
Dobro (also great on “Keep Travelin’ On), and harmony vocals.  What an
exquisite production, so very very rare, and almost unheard of in
Nashville any more.  In a world of war and suffering, which we are
experiencing on this entire planet earth these days, the words and music
of the Morris Brothers is a music that should be sought out by any
Christian of any stripe, to find the true meaning of what the Gospel is
all truly about.  Off it goes to the Rural Roots Music Commission for
their appraisal.

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