Alaura Lynne Interview
By Amber Otto for Country Music News International Magazine
At the heart of country music one can expect to hear a lot of emotion, truth and just good ole’ story telling. Some of country’s best stories that may come to the listener’s mind are a night when the lights went out in Georgia, how a young, orphaned girl made her way through life by pleasuring a few too many men while going by the alias of Fancy, and a bloodhound by the name of Ole’ Red that got distracted in hunting down an escaped jail inmate because of a Blue Tick Coonhound that sparked his interest. While these songs were punchy and risky for their time, something about each one really made you key in, listen, and never forget their storyline. With independent country artist Alaura Lynne’s “I Ain’t a Bitch” 2022 debut song, the same “hold nothing back” and “put it on repeat” torch or theme is passed and brightly carried on from an older time in country to now. While the title of the song speaks for itself, the fluent, beautiful but “take no mess” vocals of Alaura makes one want to know about the inspiration of the song, but more about her and what is to come after such a bold, fun entrance into the music industry and country world. Let’s take a look.
Where are you from and what kind of upbringing did you have?
“I am from Crandall, Texas, which is a small country town outside of Dallas. My parents divorced when I was in second grade so I was always back and forth between homes and going to different schools. Alot of my childhood and teenage years were not ideal, but it’s made me who I am today.
How long have you been singing and when did you become more serious in making it a career?
“I’ve been singing the last 8 years. I did not know I could sing until I was in my twenties. Growing up I was shy, so I never sang in front of anyone. I found out I could sing while doing karaoke. I dove in and took voice lessons, and ended up getting a job singing radio jingles and ads for other country artists. That’s when I realized making my own music is what I really wanted to do.”
What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?
“I’m passionate about expressing myself creatively while also giving my gift to others to enjoy…that’s a really great feeling!”
Describe your favorite and least favorite part (if there is one) about being a musician.
“I love seeing the videos of people singing my music. My least favorite thing is some of the hate and negativity that comes with the territory of putting yourself out there. That can be hard. I’ve learned that you may not be for everyone, but that’s okay!”
What do you like most about writing music?
“I have been fortunate to work with some really great writers.”
What inspired you to start singing and making music?
“I sang Patsy Cline’s “Crazy” during karaoke at a wedding. The DJ and a couple of others liked it. When I found out I could sing it was very new to me, but I wanted to give it a shot and see where it went…I think it’s important to listen to your heart and give things a try…you never know where it will lead you!”
Has Country Music always been your go to genre (Was it the music you grew up listening to)? And are there any other types of music you gravitate to?
“I have always listened to all kinds of music…I appreciate it all…I love country, pop, rap…all of it!”
Describe your creative process when you write new music
“Ideas for songs come to me randomly. The process involves me figuring out what message I’m wanting to put out there, and what mood and style I’m feeling at the time. I’m working on writing and grateful to work with some amazing songwriters.”
Do you see yourself signing with a label or would you like to remain an independent artist
“I am open to signing with a label if the deal makes sense and I can retain creative control.”
How did you see such quick success with being an independent artist and who were some of the team members that helped you along the way?
“TikTok and social platforms have had a major role in the reach my songs have gotten so far…My song “I Ain’t a Bitch” went viral organically and that’s something you can only hope for! I am thankful for my producers Michael Clute and Bobby Huff who have believed in me from the beginning and have helped me create my sound…I definitely would not be here without them.”
Did you write “I Ain’t a Bitch” independently or were there other songwriters that you collaborated with you on this song? Did you know it was going to take off like it did?
“My co-producer Bobby Huff actually wrote “I Ain’t a Bitch” for me… the idea came after a label was looking at me and someone on their team asked my producer if I was easy to work with or if I was a bitch…it was clear that I was being judged by the way I look…Bobby sent me the song soon after and I knew it had to be my first release…I had no idea what the song would do, but I knew it was empowering and anthemic and that’s exactly what I wanted coming out of the gate!”
What is your favorite song you have written or like to perform?
“I Ain’t a Bitch”
Who’s your ideal musician to collaborate with and why?
“Miranda Lambert…Love a fellow Texas girl!”
Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?
“So many artists inspire me…Anyone putting themselves out there and going after their dreams is inspiring!”
Describe your favorite venue for performing
“Anywhere people are enjoying the music!”
What do you hope your music can do for listeners?
“I hope my music inspires people and leaves them feeling empowered. I want people to believe in themselves and feel confident in who they are and who they want to be. I hope it helps someone with whatever they are going through.”
What skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a musician?
“Being consistent and having self-discipline.”
Tell me about your favorite performance in your career.
“My favorite performance hasn’t happened yet!”
Describe your worst performance. What did you learn from this experience?
“Every performance is a learning experience…good or bad. You can always work on things and do better.”
Will there be any upcoming venues or events you’ll be performing at?
“We are working on a show and performance dates are not set yet.”
Will there be more music or an album coming out?
“Yes, I have another song coming out in October…and many more next year!”
After delving into the background of Alaura Lynne, one will find that though she is a newcomer to singing, and the country genre, not knowing she had a gift for singing and performing has become the gift that gave back to her. After having a listen to her she definitely shows that she has the vocal chops for this industry and has hit the ground running with such a popular, relatable, and ear catching tune with “I Ain’t a Bitch.” Other “must listen toos” that slow things down and pull you in when listening to Alaura and her amazing vocal quality are, “I Wanna Hear a Love Song,” and “Still Got You on My Mind.” This may be the beginning for the Texas country artist, but her talent will surely leave you wanting to hear more and anxiously awaiting to see where music leads her next.
To keep tabs on Alaura and her latest music updates, give her a follow on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok at @alauralynne. Also check out her latest music news by visiting her website at Alaura Lynne.