Wanna Beatles – Fab Fan Memories – Early Memories And Moments

CD Review: Wanna Beatles – Fab Fan Memories – Early Memories And Moments

By Stanley Mwene for Country Music News International Magazine

  1. Early Memories And Movements
  2. February 9, 1964 Stories
  3. Favorite Beatle
  4. In Our lives
  5. Close Encounters of The Fab Kind
  6. Favorite Beatles
  7. The Beatles
  8. Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow
  9. Because They Were
  10. The Beatles Bonds-Fab Fan Memories

A Little History WannaBeatles

The WannaBeatles are Recording Artist finalists who gets standing ovations at theatres, festivals and events across their countries. They must have been seen on both national televisions and on stage where they use their multi-instrumental skills to re-create all eras of the Beatles’ songbook and more.

These seasoned artists will entertain audience with music, comedy, and special materials to create a different kind of Beatles experience. The WannaBeatle’s includes chart toppers from the 1960’s and the 1970’s featuring hits from The Doors, Buffalo Springfield, The Who, Simon and Garfunkle, The Monkees and many others.


Early Memories And Moments

It is a powerful song which starts…. The Beatles, it was all music. It was all about the songs. It is an arising time carrying on songs on something they need to do. It was all about the music after a long time. But for fans, it is all about the people.

Louise is Georges Global sister. She is a global mum. She wrote about Beatles. She considers global people as her extended family. The voice heard in in the Beatles, she cries sadly when they broke up. There are a few whose lives have not been touched by the Beatles and the talents of the music.

She reached out to the fans to share their memories and stories and their heartfelt memories.

Here; then the song starts;….. She was just 17 years, Beatle men began and more music hungry fans joined. Beatles has been done some long time ago by the old and the young. The Beatles are songs which has amazing tunes. All music enthusiasts here has a story to tell about Beatles. The artists here comes from different backgrounds, countries and their music has different settings.

The beatles has been spinning for many years both on radios and televisions. Here in the beatles, each musician is explaining his or her story and their music. Then there is a tune of their beautiful songs. The musicians come from different countries in Europe. Most of them started their music at a very young age.

February 9, 1964 Stories.

Here is a beautiful song …. Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatle. As long as standing there, they will do  and  shake. They will be with us tonight 1964.

Then there is explanation about the Beatles. The Beatles arrival in America, their appearance was the the most anticipated event ever since. But with 73 million events glued to Tv, the Beatles brought a new arrival.

George took her to an hotel to stay with him. And when she took dinner, she was told to go to the president’s dais. When she stood out on the elevator, there was a huge crowd of people. Fans to her with a lot of cheers. She was a little intimidated and moved to her brother. Her brother grabbed her and swung her round. There were cheers and claps from the fans…..that was a first song the Beatles.

Everyone remembers February 1964 when she made her first beautiful song The Beatles.  Here, also is a second person called Run. Run remembers the crowds screaming and leaning up on stage over the balcony. He remembers the excitement of the crowd. There was screaming He remembers the crazy music the Beatles which drove the fans wild.

Here is Rosemary’s story: The first time she heard the Beatles on a Sunday night, they had rolled a white affordable television, and there came Beatle for the first time. They saw the crowd screaming and she became one of them.

Here is a story of Excelman; He grew up in Pittsburg and moved to New york city in 1975 to work in a New york Studio. He used to go to school to study to be a priest. But for some reason, he realized the cultural significance of the beatles appearance. Later, the priest in their school invited a number of sharmanians to watch Beatles. This was the time he had an exciting interest on the Beatles.


Here is also Sherry.                She gives her story how Solomon came on and received them . Her mum and three brothers and dad closed the Tv and kept on telling her to move back to Tv. It was amazing. She used to play music. However, she did not know she can do that well in Beatles. It was amazing.

Then here is Bruss from Louisiana. He tell his story …….Beatles music generation was done on the radio. He anticipated that Beatles upcoming appearance in Solomon Hotel. As American watched the tv…General Macronian.

Lady Gasiah from Cisco also has a story to tell. When she was about 9 years old in 1963. Her mum decided that they had Beatle music to listen to. They used to watch Beatles music every Sunday.

Favorite Beatle

The question that comes up amongst  fans

who could be your favorite beatle?

She remembers reading an article many years ago which indicated that it had a lot to do with own personalities; could she favor Beatles?

The Beatles that all loved was cute. Her favorite Beatle was actually not attracted to bad boys and she actually thinks, he was everything she wanted to be. Germana had a good mum who was a good person.

Here is another fan who says his favorite beatle was Paul and he was most popular. He would screen numbers, he changes a lot.

Then there is George admired by another beatle fan. He was elite and was an artist he yearned to meet. Most fans here prefer George. Some says he was handsome. He was a powerful musician though other fans liked Paul. Other fans liked Linger. Finally; here is Madeline who is 9 years old. She says she liked all the beatles.

In Our Lives

Here, the song starts…..there are places I remember oh in my life, some I imagine and remember……..then, there is some explanations. It seems that everyone has a Beatle story to tell. So are so many, perhaps some will take hours and days to talk about.

Here is a story that comes to her minds (Louise Harrison). She happened to be in Winston. When she was filming the movie, she had gone to spend George’s 22nd birthday with him. During the filming of the movie, there were outdoors and at one point, there  was a sitting alone. It was lunch break, the Beatles came around and they had their drinks.

She was sitting around the crew, where the boys were. There was nobody to give them something to eat. This is one of the stories she had. However, she had more other stories.

Here is Gavananda’s story. The first time he heard the name Beatles, he was working in a club in Montreal. He got a call from New York from a friend in Barcelona. He was working late at night. He was working in Jeasea which had Beatles. He had $100, he said they were asking $2500.

Then he heard a story about Beatles. He was really excited. The next day, friends came in. He had to make $100000.

Here is a story of Wendy. She also talks about beatles . When she was moving somewhere, her best friend of her dad who was moving business, she was talking about Beatles in the stadium. Her brother and father had heard about beatles. So they had to go togather to the playing ground where beatles were. It was a wonderful experience she will never forget.

Here is Mark’s story. Mark was working in a venue. The came Paul in his car.  The he yelled, hey Paul .The Paul walked towards him. He shook his hand and they had a photograph together. Then he thanked him very much. Next time he remembers, they walked to the venue on the beatles. Next time he remembers, he ran and ran. They were chasing him as he was running to his home. They really wanted him to enjoy the show. The music was great…….

Here is a story of Sharon Kennedy. It was in 1964 when she was doing teenage reporting in newspapers. That was when she was told about beatles by her friends. She was told by her friend that she had to give a gate pass because Susan and she had to go to the press conference. Her male friend said they had to to go to the big radio and tv stations. He had only her name.

Two weeks later, they went by train and they were followed by security guards. They were allowed to enter into the hotel. In the hotel, there other 52 teenagers who also had a good story. The met somebody in the hotel who knew beatles were coming in. they came to understand why beatles looks like their mothers and others.

At some point, three policemen came and threw them out. At the second time, Louise was talking to a woman. The woman had a secretary who was called Parse Cormen. As the policemen were harassing them, she held  Parse Cormen and they went over. Then she said; they represent twenty four newspapers for high school for teenagers in USA. Then, Parse Cormen asked to see the newspapers. Then she said ok then she wrote her name on the back. That was when the door was opening for the press conference. Parse Cormen was left by the police and came in. That was when they started the Beatles. So Susan and she stood out and everything went on well.

Then here is Watts Person’s story. There was Livingstone,64. He was for the Beatles. He was recording the album in the studio with others, George and Watts Person had birthday. They were to find out who was singing.

Here too is Angel’s story; She had been lucky enough to have been engaged in the beatles. When it was Sunday morning, her minds were lingering, she heard some people travelling. She said she had to accompany them. So, they had to drive off to get there. Wow!  They bought tickets and found themselves places to sit. There was a discussion of records of people. It was just the greatest time to see him (George Harrison). He was one of the most recognized people of the world.

Here follows Ken’s story. He had asked to make records in 1965. They got to Germany with other musicians and they  gave the name……. I …Looking for The Beatles. They could keep singing. By the time they saw her (George’s sister), they even talked to her. They even moved crazy seeing her.Here is Vicky’s side of story; She heard the beatles in Memphis. It was the first event she had never been into. She went with her friends because she had never been in such place.

Billlyslone side of story is….. they had gone to Memphis. Him with others had recorded a single but they had not released it. He got to his car and then he had his album.

Jully’s story is from 1965. She had gone to the airport, the day her mother drove her. They had found a newspaper, where they had a read about beatles. They had a feeling , they should go there. However, they did not know the exact place. She and her mum heard exact place where the beatles was to be. People had already gathered over the fences. Her mother was forced to put her in the shoulder. Then the guys saw her ( the beatle artists). They instructed the gate keepers to open for them and they got inside. The crowd over there was incredible.

Here is the story of Steve Miller. He was 64 years. On Saturday night, they had stood on the kitchen table with brooms on the roofs looking how beatles were played. He remembers, he was in high school in Virginia. Then they started playing beatles evening.

Finally, here is a story of mum FROM California. She was 10 years old when she called her mum, who made reservations for her and her cousin on the day Beatles was going to be played.

Close Encounters of The Fab Kind. The song starts….. Love  love me too. Then there is a beautiful sound of Louse Harrison, George’s Harrison’s sister and his fame.

When George was born, he was mere 8 hours old. When he arrived, he was actually 3 weeks late. He was due 1st February but arrived 25th February. Finally, her mother called her to bed room . The she said; “hey come on and say hi to your newborn brother” So she looked at her brother!  He was so beautiful. She looked into those beautiful, beautiful eyes of his brother.

She loved him so much. From then, they had a strong bond as brother and sister. As you can see, a close encounter with beatles came early.

Then here is a story of Vion Kegg;   he was a guitar player .He happened to meet George Harrison’s sister. She had asked him if he would sing at her wedding. Then, she arranged for her wedding day and Vion was to sing in her wedding day. He chose a selection of songs to choose from. It was quite scary but   him and his friends took to the wedding. Then she said, “oh yes , we have your music”.

She thanked a lot for the great music. Between her wedding and the reception, it was amazing. She said the song was lovely, beautiful with the guitar. They sat there and played. It was so colorful.

Her is Jane’s story; She is from  Califonia. There was a radio station which had contest and the prize s. John won. He was her favorite beatle.  He had big haired and when she heard his first presentations, John did not have amplifiers for his recordings and there were no electric guitars. So they made themselves instruments as they could.

Here is a story of Roseline; She is from Pittsburg. She came to the beatles park. Her father told her that she was young to take her to Pittsburg. George had come to Pittsburg and he had come to the radio station.

When George had come to pass, there was a protest. There were protestors with placards. They had gone to see the beatles. The scenery of protestors was so scaring. The police had to close for the audience. Others ran to the bathroom. Roseline did not go to the bath room but choose to stay in the room to watch the beatles……hahaha.

Then, here  is Paul’s story. He is from New York. He was doing is music and then a dj from Nigel . As a music director, he togather with Bruce, went to the living room which was surrounded by instruments, from all pillars in the room, they were surrounded by beatles.

Here, we have Julian’s story. She is from California. She heard the names from the magazines. If she were to come from the accident, she was to attend the beatles. Already, she had her necklace to some place.

Alexandria is originally from Mountainair. He had been working in arid areas. He was producing his album. When he was in the studio,, George came in with two tapes and asked if they would listen to his music. They listened to the whole music togather . When they finished, he asked , can he follow steps he had been following.. Then Alexandria said ‘yeah’ He did not  want to say so much to George because he was scared.

The next night, the Beatle artists arrived one by one. They all had the same behaviors. He will never forget.

Here is David Harles’s story. He is a musician. He was for mere crew for years in Alexandria. George came for a tour. He asked him to open the gate in the works. He led him to the house and to the left, there was kitchen with a newspaper. From the kitchen to the dining room, he read and wrapped the newspaper. They had coffee and did some smoking. He was really a super guy. He had to go to the studio and they had beatles.

Favorite Beatles. It starts; you the songs for you can Marshall every day. Then there is a beautiful voice of Louise Harrison saying … it is a struggle song, to commit to single computation. It is a favor beatle song. Then there can be heard powerful voices of beatle artists. Each artist is heard mention his or her beatle song. It is such a beautiful beatle songs which are so cool.

The Beatles Bonds. In the background, there can be heard beautiful voices of the beatle songs. Then Louise Harrison can be heard saying; the beatles songs are the most devoted in the world. The paragraph is awesome. Beatles fans like the songs so much.

Then different song writers of the beatles can be heard each giving his or her opinions about the beatles. Some fans can be heard saying beatle songs are of likeminded people. Other fans says beatle songs talks about things which the non….fans can’t understand. Others says …. There is unity in the music. Other says many memories are attached to the music.

Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow. The beatles place in music history, culture is unquestionable. It is the rise of people in everyday they did. The beatles reached down in the human heart. So the question is;  What do the beatles means to you?

Here, are some of the answers to the question; it is the music over 1960’s. The beatles got the human heart, the  human soul they created the human body never equal again. Beatles are emotionally involved with everything they did.

It is just a musical act, they represent a cultural change. Anything representing  a cultural change is run for a long time. The vocal harmony is nothing like something done before popular music. The melodies forever burn in everyone. They will continue to last for each generation and the children will love the music.

It is so singable and so much fan. Beatles are great music. They are music in liking generations. It is a bond which changes the world.

Because They Were Fab. The amazing song starts…Because they were fab. Then, there are Louise Harrison’s explanations. Because there are singers of beatles songs, she is by birth George’s big sister and she has been so from the very first note.

To all those who took part in beatles collection, she thanks them. She is always wishing them love, peace and laughter. There are awesome tunes of the song. Because they were Fab. The entire world is listening to the beatles highlights, because they were fab. They were cute because they knew what they were. Beatle is real cool. 64 seem, but the songs were amazing. Oh yes because they were fab.







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