CD Review The Wildfires – One
by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International
Can You Hear Me
It Will Come To Pass
One And The Same
Forgive Me
Ordinary Way
I’m A Fool
Russian Storm
Too Far Gone
Little Bit
The wildfires ( are:
Paul Bonin from London, a songwriter for 25 years, originally at home in the pop industry. And Elizabeth Carlton from Tennessee, who has a great singing voice and the right feeling for touching lyrics. In mid-2012 the duo got together in Berlin to produce their first album. You develop an idiosyncratic style on it, sometimes it takes getting used to and a bit abstract, definitely demanding. Lots of ballads, but also some brisk pieces. I especially want to mention track 2 “Can You Hear Me”, which reminds me of an old pop song from the 60s. Track 11 “Too Far Gone”, a very nice duet. I like track 5, the title track “One And The Same”, a very quick number with mandolin accompaniment, and track 6 “Forgive Me”, very romantic and also evokes a memory of the song “J’entends Siffler Le Train” . All in all, a disc I can recommend.