1 BUSTED UP 3:21 2.AT THE BAR 3:52.
3.HOODLUM WIFE 3:32. 4. ICE TO ASHES 3:10. 5 LONG WAY DOWN 3:54. 6
CARRIE 3:29. 7. BAD DAY 2:30. 8. HUNT ME DOWN 4:16. 9.SHINY SHINY
4:55. 10. I HAD A WOMAN 2:31. 11. TALK ABOUT LOVE 3:41. 12 DAISY
4:01. 13 BLOOD OF JESUS 4:24.14 MAMA GONE 4:02
3.HOODLUM WIFE 3:32. 4. ICE TO ASHES 3:10. 5 LONG WAY DOWN 3:54. 6
CARRIE 3:29. 7. BAD DAY 2:30. 8. HUNT ME DOWN 4:16. 9.SHINY SHINY
4:55. 10. I HAD A WOMAN 2:31. 11. TALK ABOUT LOVE 3:41. 12 DAISY
4:01. 13 BLOOD OF JESUS 4:24.14 MAMA GONE 4:02
This is the Curst Sons 5th
cd since 1998 and at 51 minutes and with 14 tracks of original
material the boys haven’t run out of ideas yet. This cd has what
they do best, plucking interesting flavors from old Americana and
blends that distinctive sound to make it all good.
cd since 1998 and at 51 minutes and with 14 tracks of original
material the boys haven’t run out of ideas yet. This cd has what
they do best, plucking interesting flavors from old Americana and
blends that distinctive sound to make it all good.
There are great melodies, excellent
stories and powerful singing and playing but you should buy a copy
and confirm it yourself. All the songs are original and generally
hard driving, occasionally it throws in a surprise like “I Had a
Woman” which really sounds traditional. They do what great British
bands have done over the years, taken the idea from America and made
it better. Call it what you like, its infectious good time party
stories and powerful singing and playing but you should buy a copy
and confirm it yourself. All the songs are original and generally
hard driving, occasionally it throws in a surprise like “I Had a
Woman” which really sounds traditional. They do what great British
bands have done over the years, taken the idea from America and made
it better. Call it what you like, its infectious good time party
You can find your copy on CDBaby
Debbie Dean