So you want to dance! Out With The Girls By Eileen Carey

you want to dance! Out With The Girls

By Eileen Carey

 In the ever expanding search
for artist and musician revenue sources, the country line-dancing community drew
my attention back in 2009 as a follow up to my country radio hit of Out
With The Girls
, off my Los
Angeles Music Awards’ Americana Album of 2009, Movin’ On.  I wrote Out With The Girls with my longtime friend and
collaborator Kathryn Grimm. We also co-wrote some of my standards, FaithLet
It Go
 and Sweet Love of the many more. The remix was
the Producer’s Choice for “Dance Single of the Year” at the 20th Annual Los
Angeles Music Awards in 2010. 

Country dance, much like all the dance
markets are driven by DJs, dance promoters, record pools, dance instructors,
choreographers, dance hall groups. It is similar in most dance music but line
dancing is somewhat different in that some of the line dances are complicated. Walking
into a disco club, pop music club you generally don’t need to synch your dance
with the other folks on the floor, but in line-dance you do. People who are
into line-dancing don’t just walk into a venue and dance. They  are usually greeted by the dance leader  who teaches them the steps for the dance to
be danced first.  Yet there are 52
million Country Music fans in the U.S. alone, and they want to dance. So I
jumped in “lock-stock-and-barrel,” so to speak.

                             Check out what one
choreographer created with Out With
The Girls
. (Dance Mix)

Learn the steps:

See it in action:


With The Girls /Dance Steps
Choreographed by GYTAL (Ginny Allen)

Music: “Out With The Girls” by Eileen Carey

Dance 32 counts in at Vocal

32 count 4 wall High Beginner Line Dance

Monterrey Turn, R Step Lock ,R Triple forward

1-4 Touch R toe to R, Turn 1/2 on L, step R down & touch L toe to L side

5-6 Step R forward, cross L Behind

7&8 Step R forward, step L to R, Step R forward

L Rock Recover 1/2 turn L triple, R Rock Recover, 1/4 Turn R Triple

9-10 Rock forward on L recover back on R

11&12 Turn 1/2 to L with a L Triple (L,R,L)

13-14 Rock forward on R, recover back on L

15&16 Turn 1/4 to R with R triple (R,L,R)

Cross L over R 1/2 turn to R, Hip Bumps R,L,R, Toe Heel Toe Heel

17-18 Cross L over R, turn 1/2 to R

19&20 Bump hips R,L,R

21-22 Step L toe back, step on L heel

23-24 Step R toe Back, step on R heel

L Rock Back, Recover, L Sailor Out Out Touch Hold

25-26 Rock Back on L, recover forward on R

27&28 Step L behind R, step R to R, step L next to R

29-32 Step R to R, Step L to L, Touch R to L instep Hold



As for the touring, it is not so different
than any musical artist’s tour of radio stations and venues. You tour dance
clubs, promote, do giveaways, you put on dance contests, merchandise giveaways,
occasionally perform the song and appear on as many internet platforms as
possible. Line-dance instructors all make videos of their new dance steps these
days, and have following much like club jocks, but nothing beats promoting a
Country dance and song as their being a promoter to reach out with it from
dance club and group to club and group. The promoters work it much like radio
promoters do to venue jocks nationwide. A hit dance can be as viral as the song

So in 2010 we embarked on a full scale club
promotion campaign promoting the remix of Out With The Girls, and Marco Club Connections of Nashville
spearheaded the nationwide effort, which ran from October 1 through December 31,
2010. Hard to believe it has been a decade since.

We initially released the dance mix on Actor’s
E Chat here onthe popular Hollywood-based online television show spot- lighting actors,
musicians, and entertainers airing daily on the Actors Entertainment Network.The target audience for the promotion was
the female country fan in the middle- to upper-middle income group between the
ages of 24 and 45, and so Out With The
was distributed to top dance clubs, deejays and dance instructors
in the top 100 DMA markets for a 12-week rotation of club airplay. 
Additionally, local contestsand promotions were created to partner with female-oriented
consumer products via traditional and new media outlets including,, and told, the promotion impacted over 2
million club patrons during its 3-month run.  

The thing about the lyric of the song
that was so important to me was the inclusiveness of them. An anthem for all
women really. The dance mix zeroed further into the demographic our promotion
of it was aimed at. 
(Radio Mix)

With The Girls

It’s been a long week

Of working ten hour days

Well Sally folds the last load

And Marcy pitches the hay

Across town Jody’s dressing

For an evening of fun

Now she’s been giving at the

She’s so glad to be done

Now working girls of all kinds

Have earned this moment of

From the waitress at Joe’s

To the attorney with three kids

It’s just another night out
with the girls

From the down home to those in
diamonds and pearls

Come together to escape, escape
from the grind

From all walks of life but only
fun on their minds

Yeah only fun on their minds

Days of dreamin’ of this

Have finally come true

We’re dancing in a new dress

At the Wild Horse Saloon

With fancy cars and pickup

Rhinestone boots and Nikes

Dollar beers and champagne

From the poor to the high

Now working girls of all kinds

Have slaved all week for this

From the stay at home moms

To the company president

It’s just another night out
with the girls

From the down home to those in
diamonds and pearls

Come together to escape, escape
from the grind

From all walks of life but only
fun on their minds

Well they mingle and dance

To country and hip hop and rock

And no cell phones in sight

As they all enjoy tonight

It’s just another night out
with the girls

From the down home to those in
diamonds and pearls

Come together to escape, escape
from the grind

From all walks of life but only
fun on their minds

It’s just another night out
with the girls

From the down home to those in
diamonds and pearls

Come together to escape, escape
from the grind

From all walks of life but only
fun on their minds

Yeah only fun on their minds

Only fun on their minds yeah

Written by: Eileen Carey,
Kathryn Grimm



is one of my favorite collaborations with Eileen. It was important to me to
emphasize that although the women in this story are very different from each
other they all share the same need to have something to look forward to after a
long hard week of working. Something to get dressed up for, a reward for the
time they’ve put in whether that is by keeping a house, managing a farm or
wearing a corporate hat. At The Wild Horse Saloon these women can let it loose
and have a well-deserved good time with no cares and no judgement.  The peppy dance beat helps add to the excitement
of their anticipation of getting ready for this day. The melody of the chorus
needed to be catchy to go with the lyrics and I believe that was accomplished.
It’s hard to get it out of your head which is always the goal for a good pop
song. I love the message of the bridge which shows an open mindedness about the
music playing in the bar demonstrating that it doesn’t matter what style song
is playing as long as it feels good. I felt this song needed a modulation to
drive home the double chorus at the end. It gives it an anthem-like quality and
Eileen’s voice really soars here.

I wanted this to be a fun feel good song with a
friendly message reminding us all that life should not just be about work and
that taking time out to have a good time is crucial.”  – Kathryn Grimm


 Eileen Cary


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