Mindy McCready still doesn’t know where she is going, has never seen where she has been, has never looked back to see the garbage she has left behind her in her life, and now she is once again defying civil authorities.  She finally turned over her son, who has been previously in the custody of his grandparents from a court order.  What kind of person hides herself and son in a closet in someone’s home, is pregnant with twins, and does not have an idea of where she is going. 
She needs help, but she is too beligerent to know this or want to accept it.  It seems that getting pregnant is something she does well, but from all indications that she has given to the public, she has not been a good Mother to her child, and now she is going to bring two more children into the world.  She needs to spend more time on getting her life together in a positive way, then “having children” and hoping for the best.
Everyone knows from the first record she had that was successful, that she was in trouble by the way she lived her life.  It seems there are many who took advantage of her, in many ways, and she allowed that to happen.  Whether it was for promises made, or just a whim at the time, she has dug a hole so deep, she can never climb out of the hole without professional help, and no doubt she is not ready to accept help from anyone.  She has done drugs, been incarcerated, defied authorities, and sounds like she told everyone who could have helped her to “GO TO HELL.”  She cannot and will not get along with her own Mother, and because her Mother has custody of her son, and she cannot have him permanently in her life because of her personal life, so she has to share her son with his grandparents and now the court of law.  I am afraid for her twins, of what kind of world they will come into, with Mindy not being good at doing what is right in her life.
Her chances of being successful again are not going to happen.  She needs to forget the dream that she once had and threw away with her “charm.”  There are no more hit records, no more recognition by radio, and no more big tours and big money.  She has hit the bottom of the barrel and I am hoping there is someone out there that will help her put her life back together.  She can no longer sing, and the only media that she has been getting is all negative all against what she is doing by defying a court order until she has to be found in a closet and measures taken to return her son to his grandparents.  What a sad state of affairs.
I never give up on anyone, but it seems that Ms. McCready has given up on herself, and it might be to her advantage to turn to her maker and ask for help, because her loop of people who have tried, has grown so small that the loop cannot sustain her needs anymore, and I would say that some of those in her loop have taken advantage of her.  When you get this low in your life, and are about to bring two more children into this world, it is time to take stock of your life and do whatever it takes to make things right.  She needs to dream of raising her children, getting custody back of her son, by showing she can be a responsible mother and citizen, and bringing her two new children into the world and raise each of them as a mother should.  She got pregnant by choice and she knew what she was doing, so now it is time for Mindy McCready to find herself and forget the music industry that has brought her so much grief in her life, and move forward into a life of love and raising her children.  I do not know who the father is of any of her children, or if it is the same man, but I hope he will help her through her trials and tribulations and be able to guide her back to a good and productive life.  I wish only good things for her, but until she takes a good long look in the mirror and sees herself for what she is showing the world, then doing something about it, her life will never be easy for her and she will only bring herself more pain.

Marty Martel©

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