CD Review: Lorraine Jordan & Carolina Road
by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International
That’s Kentucky
Living With The Shades Pulled Down
Livin’ Like I’m Dying
You Won’t Ever Forget Me
All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye
Song Of The French Broad
I Heard You Call His Name Last Night
Bluegrass Barn
Hold Me One More Time
Suitcase Of Your Heart
I Saw The Golden Stairs
Liza Jane
Lorraine Jordan, band leader, founded this band in 1998 and is known as the “Lady of Tradition”. She herself and all of her musicians come from North Carolina and have all received multiple awards.
Band members: Lorraine Jordan, Josh Goforth, Ben Greene, Tommy Long, John Bradley.
Lorraine wrote two of the songs “Livin’ Like I’m Dying” and “Hold Me One More Time” where she also sings the lead. Josh Goforth has the lead vocal for the song “Song Of The French Broad”. And the remaining nine songs are sung by Tommy Long.
In terms of content, everything revolves around love, longing and leaving. There is also a nice gospel “I Saw the Golden Stairs” and excellent fiddle and banjo solos. The last number “Liza Jane” is a lightning-fast dance piece that makes you dizzy just listening to it. This CD is an absolute must for bluegrass music fans!