Single Review: Lakeview – Message In A Bottle
by Matt Belyea for Country Music News International
I love it when I hear an artist’s song that makes me want to dig deeper into what they are about. Lakeview is this kind of artist, a need-to-hear duo comprised of Jesse Denaro and Luke Healy who hail from Pittsburgh and made the move to Nashville.
This release ”Message in a Bottle” melds a 808-drum machine chill hip-hop styled beat with modern country sensibility. It will draw you in with classic country storytelling that entices with sparse piano, then builds up through the first verse into a beautiful pre-chorus that teases you through until it hits the drinking anthem’s namesake title. A great country soul song with emotive lyrics like “I’ll get drunk on a memory”…. The song is worth repeat listening and has me digging deeper into this duo’s catalog. I expect you’ll be hearing a lot more of these two hardworking musicians.
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