Interview with Josh Macumber
by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show
Lamitschka: Music has many new fans throughout Europe who may be hearing about you for the first time. How would you describe yourself and the music you play to someone who has never seen or heard you?
Josh Macumber: I tend to write songs about what I’ve gone through and continue to go through in life, and relate those songs to the listener. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it comes through in my music. As an ex trucker turned song writer I would say that mostly my voice and songs are genuine, impactful and real.
Lamitschka: How was the last year for you? What were your highlights?
Josh Macumber: Highlights over the last year have been the release of my first CD, written and recorded in Nashville Tenn, My first single hitting the charts in my home country and my showcase and shows at the Canadian Country Music Awards. I would add to that my first video being added to CMT (Canada) and watching my fan base grow from coast to coast
Lamitschka: What is your latest CD and how’s it doing?
Josh Macumber: My latest CD is “Josh Macumber was here” and it‘s doing great with sales and downloads are holding their own. The project has enabled me to grow as an artist and also to get recognized within the industry. Distribution is growing and it’s all one more step forward on my way to success
Lamitschka: How Did you choose the title for the CD? Is there a story behind the name?
Josh Macumber: Great question, I was a trucker for ten years, starting out on the road before I was 20 years old allowed me to put some serious miles under my belt before changing careers. Now I apply that travel bone and hard work to the music industry. So as I criss cross through my country in the name of my music it’s a fitting title, as in something I would write on the wall of all the places I’ll be and have been.
Lamitschka: Do you write the songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?
Josh Macumber: I do write the songs myself. However, I insist on co-writing, even if I have, what I think, is a great song. I like bringing a second mind into the situation to try and improve. Although I realize not all writers feel this way, for me it takes more than one creative mind to achieve a successful song.
Lamitschka: What is your favorite song among all the songs you have recorded and what’s the story behind it?
Josh Macumber: My favorite song is a song called “ WHY“ It’s a song about change and more importantly how we go about finding the right kind of help to change for the better. Before we react to some of the unfair realities life throws at us, I believe we have to ask “WHY” before we can find a solution or change a situation. The song really speaks to what we can all do to make this world a better place.
Lamitschka: How much creative control do you have over your music?
Josh Macumber: I fortunately am very hands on with my music. Creation and production are two of my favorite aspects of the process, so I enjoy remaining in control on my material.
Lamitschka: As An artist, you so many tasks such as recording, touring, interviews. What do you like best, what’s your favorite activity?
Josh Macumber: Performing Live is my favorite activity; it’s the part where I can feel what I do all come together. When fans are singing along to my songs and paying money or just coming to see me it really means a lot. So I connect with them on a music level and a personal one.
Lamitschka: What drives you?
Josh Macumber: The fact that I get a chance to do what others may not. I also want to use my talents to help and do good in this world and I’m very fortunate to be given the opportunities that I have been given, thinking back to when I would only be staring out a windshield dreaming about this and believing I could do it, and realizing now I‘m on my way, keeps me going.
Lamitschka: Many music fans today get their information about artists online. Do you have your own website and what will fans find there?
Josh Macumber: I do have a web site, I like to keep it very up to date and sometimes I’ll live stream shows as well, so fans will find out all they need to know about Josh Macumber when they visit my site
Christian Lamitschka ( ) )