Interview with WILLI

Interview with
Lamitschka:  Music has many new fans throughout
Europe who may be hearing about you for the first time. How would you describe
yourself and the music you play to someone who has never seen or heard you?
Answer:  My music is all original and
it is a blend of Country, Folk and just a touch of Rock And Roll, and Since I
started in the music business I have managed to score 3 charted records on the
STS Charts for radio tracking airplay in the USA and Canada plus being played in
33 countries around the world
Lamitschka:  How was the last year for you?
What were your highlights?
Answer:  Well it’s a combination of
things, Recording at SONY Studios in Nashville with the legendary record
producer Doc Holiday, Having my first release hit the top ten on the charts and
most of all to finally pursuing my dream surrounded by the greatest names in
Country Music
Lamitschka:  What is your latest CD and how’s
it doing?
Answer:  My first CD titled „The
Journey“ is release now and I have been extremely blessed to have as I said the
first 3 singles hit the charts, My next release „I’M HERE NOW DESPITE ADVERSE
CONDITIONS“ is set for release in late April of 2016 and features 19 songs
including a duet with the legendary „Ragin’ Cajun“ Doug Kershaw


Lamitschka:  How did you choose the title for
the CD?  Is there a story behind the name?
Answer:  Actually my producer Doc
Holiday created the title for me based on all the adverse conditions facing a
new artist in today’s industry
Lamitschka:  Do you write the songs yourself?
If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?
Answer: Yes, Up to this point I have written
all my own songs with the exception of the duet with Doug Kershaw, of course
that could change if a great song comes along written by a different writer, BUT
as of now, it’s all me (smile)
Lamitschka:  Please tell us about the songs on
your album (influences, etc).
Answer:  All my songs are based on real
life experiences that have effected me, so in a way I guess it’s an open book to
my life up to this point, Yea I admit it’s kinda personal, but then again it’s
something that a lot of people can relate to
Lamitschka:  What is the difference between
your last CD and your current one?
Answer:  The difference is amazing. The
currently release, I was still finding my place with my music, this new release
(as you will be able to tell) I FOUND IT!!!!
Lamitschka:  Your current single is being
played by radio. What do you feel is special about this song that makes people
want to hear it?
Answer:  It’s a happy, upbeat, sort of
love song with a strong country feel, It just makes you feel alive and good at
the same time, and it has just enough of Country Twang in it to make it
Lamitschka:  What will your next single be?
Answer:  Well again, That is in the
hands of my producer Doc Holiday and the people who do the promotion to radio,
But I think Doc is leaning to a song titled „LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and that song
currently has a YouTube video out at
Lamitschka:  You did a duet with _DOUG
KERSHAW_. How did that happen to come about?
Answer:  Well once again, it comes back
to my producer Doc Holiday, he produced Doug for many years and suggested that
we do a duet together and after a lot of legal issues were resolved, it came to
Lamitschka:  How much creative control do you
have over your music?
Answer:  When I create it
and write it all down for the first time, I have total control, BUT
when it hits the studio my producer Doc Holiday puts his spin on it and in many
cases it changes quite a bit. Doc has the ability to see in my music things that
I sometimes over look and then combine that with his Legendary Studio „A“ Team
of musicians, all that magic comes together and you have „WILLI“
Lamitschka:  There’s a lot of work that goes
into a number one hit. What did it take to make it in your case?
Answer:  Well I have not hit that # 1
spot in the states yet BUT I’m knocking on the door for sure
Lamitschka:  What do you think about today’s
music industry?
Answer:  It’s no walk in the park for
sure, It’s Tough, PERIOD!!!! But it’s where I need to and want to
Lamitschka:  As an artist, you so many tasks
such as recording, touring, interviews. What do you like best, what’s your
favorite activity?
Answer:  ALL OF IT!!!!!!
Lamitschka:  What was your big break that got
you into the music business?
Answer:  A friend of my family, Johnny
Green, knew Doc holiday for many years and convince him to take me on as a new
artist. Doc was very reluctant to do it, But Johnny convinced him to do it and
the rest is now history
Lamitschka:  Many music fans today get their
information about artists online. Do you have your own website and what will
fans find there?
Answer:  Yes for sure it’s
Lamitschka:  Most careers don’t last as long as
yours.  What’s given your career the staying power?
Answer:  I’m young, I have a great team
behind me, and I have the passion to make it, and that my friend is all I need
for right now
Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International

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