Interview with Wild Shooter Band , talking with Marco Bartoccioni

Interview with Wild Shooter Band , talking with Marco Bartoccioni

by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show


Lamitschka:  How did you choose the title for the CD?  Is there a story behind the name?
Marco Bartoccioni  Once the new Album was completed we noticed that the result is a very intimate products. The name Inside was born from that: the songs show an Inside perspective of each member of the band (and the overall band) and offer our points of view about society, war and other themes.
All the musics was writed by me (Marco Bartoccioni) but all the band members induavidually wrote the lyrics part of most of the songs of the new album. We also changed the original lineup during the work of the LP but we mainteined the same passion and entusiasm.
Here after all the actual members of the band, all involved in the recording:
Marco Bartoccioni (guitar)
Alex Tarani (Voice)
Antonio Molinari (Guitar)
Silvano Lentini (Bass)
Gianfranco Vitagliano (Drum)
Lamitschka:  Do you write the songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?
Marco Bartoccioni  We always write the songs at all and we always review them with our producer Dave Bechtel from Nashville (USA). After his suggestions we tune up the songs to have the final version.
Especially in this new album every members of the band cooperate each other in a real teamwork obtaining the best result…. we loved this instinct way to work and really hope this will be replicated in our future albums.
Lamitschka:  What will your next single be?
Marco Bartoccioni  Our next single will be Why you told me to go?. It’s a very romantic/powerful rock ballad who really recreate a movie-like rapresentatioin of a love story. We discussed the project within our producer who helped us to maintein the original idea I had in mind when I wrote the song.
We’re actually working on the new videoclip of this song and we know this could be a very great product.
Lamitschka:  What is your favorite song among all the songs you have recorded and what’s the story behind it?
Marco Bartoccioni  It’s very complicated to make a choice from all the songs of the LP. Every single song came out with an unique story and tells real experience stories we had in our life
There’s not any song in the album was used to fill the time in the CD (as a lot of band do in their works).
For sure we believe in the new single Why you told me to go? just because it’s not only a song: it’s a real rapresentation of a complex love story touching all the emotions as in a real love story do. I think that every listner can adapt this story to his life: they just need to close the eyes and imagine…
Lamitschka:  Who inspires you musically and how deep do your musical roots run?
Marco Bartoccioni  We play Southern Rock and Lynard Skynard, who deal this genre, inspired our new songs (I really loved the last album Gods and Guns).
I also listened a lot of Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi Tom Petty, John Mellencamp and many many Blues….. I’m sure you’ll recognize all that inspirations from our traks….
Lamitschka:  What do you think about today’s music scene versus its post and where do you see it going in the future?
Marco Bartoccioni  We all know that the market is changing a lot in the last years moving to digital stores from fisical supports. I think the people should have more etic/onesty in this new enviroment: the people should understand that behind a single song/album there’s a lot of work and passion and the people should feel the need to recognize the artist for that….
We now have new tecnologies and instrument to make our life better but I think We should use that in the right way.
More important thing is that the artists, without the right profit, cannot cover any cost to record new album or to do any other product at all.
This’s probably the reason why the actual price of CDs in the market is too high: the artist are suffering this situations.
Lamitschka:  What do you think about today’s music industry?
Marco Bartoccioni  I think the music industry at high level lack of passion especially from the managers who see only business and money….
Lamitschka:  What drives you?
Marco Bartoccioni  We just want to do some good music because we love it. We still working hardly after many years as musicians because this’s our life and we hope this will reward us one day or another…
Lamitschka:  What does it take to be a music icon?
Marco Bartoccioni  I think we cannot learn to be a music Icon…. I think the people understand and recognize that when you let them feel..
Lamitschka:  What has been your greatest challenge in music business?
Marco Bartoccioni  Our dream is to write some great Southern Rock music and export it accross the Europe/world.
We want to ride our limits growing up our skill to make the people feel something strong in our live performance and shows.
Lamitschka:  Who is your biggest critic, yourself or others?
Marco Bartoccioni  I think that to begin a Big musician you’ll need to be a self – critic persons….
We also trust in our producer Dave Bechtel who’s really help us in our work: he can separate the emotional part of the song to make it more efficace.
Lamitschka:  What hopes and desires do you have?
Marco Bartoccioni  It’s a general hope in our life…not music related: I’ll really desire a different world where we can work toghether to obtain the best result and solve all the problems in the world….I think the human kind needs to do an evolution step ahead and this’s the right moment to do that.
Lamitschka:  What can your fans expect to see when they see you in concert?
Marco Bartoccioni  They expect to see a big show. The WSB is a band that do the best on stage, in live performances. we usually play rock ‚n roll style and we like it!! Every band member use the live show to comunicate his emotions to the fans….so we put a lot of attention at every details….including dynamicity, dressing and
Lamitschka:  Many music fans today get their information about artists online. Do you have your own website and what will fans find there?
Marco Bartoccioni  You’ll find all our news and informations in our web pages …
Lamitschka:  What’s the best compliment a fan has ever given you?
Marco Bartoccioni  We like when a fan come to us telling that our song feel emotional….This’s the best compliment for us.
Lamitschka:  What message would you like to send your European fans?
Marco Bartoccioni  What we wanna say is to believe in the Music and to live it because without the music the life is absolutelly empty….
Christian Lamitschka ( )

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