Interview with Mark Wayne Glasmire

Interview with Mark Wayne Glasmire

Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show

Christian Lamitschka:  Music has many new fans throughout Europe who may be hearing about you for the first time. How would you describe yourself and the music you play to someone who has never seen or heard you?

Mark Wayne GlasmireMy music tells stories, much like John Denver and Jimmy Buffett. The best description ever written about me was by a reviewer in Cincinatti, OH, USA. He wrote, “Hearing Mark and his music is like seeing James Taylor and Harry Chappin pitching pennies out in front of a Beatles musem.” My music tells stories

Lamitschka:  How was the last year for you? What were your highlights?

Mark Wayne Glasmire2011 was a great year. I released two singles from my new CD, “MWG”. Both singles have done well in the US as well as Europe. Although the CD is available on-line now it is officially being launched in 2012.

Lamitschka:  What is your latest CD and how’s it doing?

Mark Wayne Glasmire“MWG” is brand new and doing great. It is currently listed on iTunes under “What We Are Listening To”

Lamitschka:  How did you choose the title for the CD?  Is there a story behind the name?

Mark Wayne GlasmireJust using my initials . Focusing on my “MWG” branding

Lamitschka:  Do you write the songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?

Mark Wayne GlasmireYes, I wrote or co-wrote every song on the CD.

Lamitschka:  Your current single is being played by radio. What do you feel is special about this song that makes people want to hear it?

Mark Wayne GlasmireThe song is called “Going Home”. It is based on a conversation I had with a very good friend of mine, who was weeks away from retiring from the US Marine Corp. It is a song that anyone who has done something for a very long time can relate to. You could have been a school teacher or a factory worker or anything that became part of your identity. Sooner or later, you stop doing it and a lot of times you go back to where it all started.

Lamitschka:  What will your next single be?

Mark Wayne GlasmireAn upbeat, light song called “I Like You”.

Lamitschka:  What kind of songs do you like to record the most?

Mark Wayne Glasmire:  I love to write and sing ballads. Songs that tell a story, preferably a positive one.

Lamitschka:  What is your favorite song among all the songs you have recorded and what’s the story behind it?

Mark Wayne GlasmireI have many favorites but #1 on the list is called “The Moment”. It is a song I close all of my shows with and it just lets the audiance know that I appreciate their taking the time to come and listen to me sing.

Lamitschka:  How much creative control do you have over your music?

Mark Wayne Glasmire100%

Lamitschka:  Do you have any interesting stories about how fans have been affected by your music?

Mark Wayne GlasmireI recently received an intersting email from a Canadian Military person who had recently heard my song “Going Home”. He had just retired from being a soldier. He went on to tell me how much he appreciated the song because it put into words exactly what he was feeling. I worte back to him and thanked him for his service. I also sent him a copy of my latest CD , a photo and a DVD of the video for “Going Home”. He was ver grateful but so am I, to know that I touched someone.

Lamitschka:  As an artist, you so many tasks such as recording, touring, interviews. What do you like best, what’s your favorite activity?

Mark Wayne GlasmireI love to perform live, regardless if it is at a radio station, with just the DJ, or in fornt of hundreds of people. I just love to sing.

Lamitschka:  Are you doing anything to take music beyond its current borders or are you happy where it is?

Mark Wayne Glasmire:  I am doing my best to reach as many people as possible. Outside of that I am happy with where it is.

Lamitschka:  What inspired you to become an artist?

Mark Wayne Glasmire:  I saw the Beatles perform on TV and knew that is what I wanted to do.

Lamitschka:  What inspired you to become a songwriter?

Mark Wayne GlasmireJust the need to say something. I think listening to other artists gave me the confidence to express myself in song.

Lamitschka:  What drives you?

Mark Wayne GlasmireI believe I was put here on Earth to do this. Spread a good positive message and give people hope when they need it.

Lamitschka:  What’s unique about you that will differentiate you from other artists?

Mark Wayne Glasmire:  I think it is that my songs are true. I have lived most of what I write about.

Lamitschka:  What has been your greatest challenge in music business?

Mark Wayne Glasmire: Seperating myself from the rest of the crowd.

Lamitschka:  What moments in your career stand out in your memory as highlights and achievements which you are proud of?

Mark Wayne GlasmireI performed a show for 10,000 US Marines and Sailors and they were very grateful, as was I.

Lamitschka:  When you get time off, how do you like to relax?

Mark Wayne GlasmireI love the outdoors, so I back pack and hike and workout a lot. I also spend time with friends and family.

Lamitschka:  Many European fans travel to the United States to attend the several of the music festivals for the opportunity to see so many of their favorite artists, bands and celebrities. Will you be participating and how will the fans be able to find you?

Mark Wayne Glasmire:  I am hoping to travel to Europe in 2012 to do some touring. Still in the planning process. The best thing to do is check my website for my schedule.

Lamitschka:  What can your fans expect to see when they see you in concert?

Mark Wayne GlasmireThe songs will song identical to the way they sound on my cds. You will also feel like we are best friends and that I am singing only to you.

Lamitschka:  When you’re on tour, do you have time to play tourist?

Mark Wayne GlasmireVery rarely

Lamitschka:  Many music fans today get their information about artists online. Do you have your own website and what will fans find there?

Mark Wayne, also

Lamitschka:  What message would you like to send your European fans?

Mark Wayne GlasmireThank you to all of my fans throughout Europe. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you someday!


Christian Lamitschka ( )

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