Interview with Karli Wheststone

Interview with Karli Wheststone

by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show

Christian Lamitschka: Karlie, welcome to the show.

Karlie Wheststone: Thank you so much for having me.

Christian Lamitschka: Please introduce yourself to our piers that may have been hearing about you for the first time.

Karlie Wheststone: Okay, yea, obviously my name is Karli Whestone and I have been in Nashville for 4½ years now. I am very excited to have my second single out right now called “I Didn’t”. It’s an up-tempo, in your face, sassy song talking about how sometimes in her relationship, her boyfriend thought he was God and she did not. So it’s a really fun song and people seem to really enjoy it. We are having a great time and it’s doing very well for us here on the Charts and it’s playing over a hundred radio stations now.

Christian Lamitschka: Sounds good. If people like to get more information about you, what do we have to do.

Karlie Wheststone: Go to my website this would be a place for everybody to find me and my social networking pages. My music is on iTunes, you can find that on my website and it takes you everywhere you need to go.
Christian Lamitschka: In short, are you working by yourself on this social network websites?
Karlie Wheststone: Pretty much, you know, I do have a lot of help I have to say, but our email or twitter apply always come from me. I always do the best I can to answer people immediately but, sometimes I need a day; within a day you can get a response from me personally.
Christian Lamitschka: That’s wonderful! Tell us about the experience since you have been in Nashville.
Karlie Wheststone: It’s just great to be in a place of Nashville.
Christian Lamitschka ( )


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