Interview with Jackie Ardondo

Interview with Jackie Ardondo

by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show


Christian Lamitschka: I’m Christian Lamitschka and today we have on the show Jackie Ardondo. Jackie, could you please introduce yourself to all my piers who may be hearing about you for the first time?
Jackie Ardondo: Hi, I’m Jackie Ardondo, vocal coach turns country singer, I’m very proud of that. I have a single right now, it’s called “Insane”, very refreshing music, you want to check it out, we’re at to find a little bit about my story, my music, or you can write to me and ask me questions.
Christian Lamitschka: Let us talk about your current single, what’s the story behind the song?
Jackie Ardondo: It was a bubble gum/pop song that I always thought that had country potential. I always heard fiddlers in there. Actually, we were experimenting with it and when we had a rough final product and we saw what we’ve been able to do with that, we had sent it out to get some feed back to listening parties. Everybody just fell in love with this song and it’s a very catchy song. I think it’s a song not only young age could relate, but also the middle age class as well. It’s important for us to be able to get into a variety of different ages. Now a days in this day and time where music is such a fusion now a days.
Christian Lamitschka: As a vocalist you are more in the back ground and now you are in the spotlight. What inspired you?
Jackie Ardondo: Actually I was a truck driver and I fell in love with the country music on the road. When you leave Florida and all these wonderful radio stations start popping in. When I heard the wonderful stories and how easy it was for me to relate to those stories as for whatever I had gone thru in life. I just thought, one day if I ever sing anything, I’m gonna sing country music.
Christian Lamitschka ( )

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