Interview with Country Manny
by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show
Christian Lamitschka: Would you please introduce yourself to the readers and tell us something about your history.
Country Manny: My artist name is Country Manny. I am over 20 years Singer, Songwriter & One one Country volume and comes from a small village into francs, in the heart of Bavaria into Germany.
Christian Lamitschka: Country Music has many new fans in Europe who may be learning about you for the first time. How would you describe the music you play to someone who has never seen or heard you before?
Country Manny: Since I actually take all Countrymusic direction off, an allocation is badly possible. Best, my concerts visit, or on my web page
Christian Lamitschka: Do you write the songs yourself, and if not, how do you go about finding songs for your albums?
Country Manny: Song of my CD `I wrote to s, some I got from a well-known Songschreiber from the USA, which lives for many years in Bavaria. The remainder I cover.
Christian Lamitschka: Please tell us about the songs on your album.
Country Manny: There is stories from my life. And there is stories from the good, old Country and Western time as well as thoughts and narrations from the Truckerlive and their everyday life.
Christian Lamitschka: What is the difference between your last and your current album?
Country Manny: On my first album only more unknown ones of song were represented, partly from me and from an American Songschreiber for many years in Germany completely in my proximity partly live. On my second album are admitted and own of song in different speeds. Particularly for LINE Dancer, since I was active in this time as LINE Dancer. My third album is a pure Christmas album with well-known and also own songs. My 4. CD only in German.
Christian Lamitschka:Â Â What kind of songs do you like to record the most?
Country Manny: I love all kinds of the Country Music.
Christian Lamitschka: What’s your favorite song among all the songs you’ve recorded, and what’s the story behind it?
Country Manny: The song „ My Dearest One “ of my 1st album which I wrote as my wife after an apoplexy in the hospital lay.
Christian Lamitschka: How much creative control do you have over your music?
Country Manny: Since I make very gladly Live music, powere I each song differently, depending upon desire and mood. It can be with each meeting different.
Christian Lamitschka: How do you go about choosing songs for a project?
Country Manny: It depends on the current trend. Song are to please the people and also me. That is important to s also for the sale of the CD `.
Christian Lamitschka: How much do your songs influence your audience?
Country Manny: That arrives on the kind of the meeting. With the Candle Light Dinner is Background in demand, with Dancemeetings of the correct drive. That is sometimes also a thing of the volume with the Live meetings.
Christian Lamitschka: The internet is playing a bigger and bigger part in the world of music. Has the internet hurt or helped you and how would you like to see it evolve?
Country Manny: Without Internet goes today in music industry nothing at all more. I had to also only get accustomed to it. But white the world like well the Countrymusic in Germany being also played now can.
Christian Lamitschka: Who do you look up to musically and where do your musical roots come from?
Country Manny: My large model is still George Strait. A Countrymusiker without corners and edges. With him I would stand very gladly times on the stage. My musical roots lie in my childhood, since I sang always gladly. My first instrument was a harmonica with 8 years, and with 12 years a Ukulele. With 27 years I could fulfill my largest music desire and began myself 6.5 year old music training on an organ.
Christian Lamitschka: What do you think about today’s Country Music versus its roots, and where do you see it going in the future?
Country Manny: The modern Countrymusic is not so my thing, but the development continues. Me Honky Tonk e.g. pleases Mark of Chessnutt and naturally quick and also slower of song of George Strait best. If possible with Fiddle, banjo and Steel Guitar.
Christian Lamitschka: In your opinion, what is the biggest difference between “traditional” and “new” country music?
Country Manny: The largest difference in my opinion lies in the interpretation the song by the artist. That can be also very different and should.
Christian Lamitschka: If you had the chance to change something about the music industry, what would it be?
Country Manny: Completely clearly, the Countrymusic would have to be much more strongly put out in the media such as radio and television, otherwise it becomes still heavier for us musicians.
Christian Lamitschka: Are you doing anything to take country music beyond its current borders, or are you happy where it is?
Country Manny: I do not play also on other meetings those than pure Country meeting defined am, again and again Country of song. I think of also with Internet radio transmitters, which are not pure Countrystations. Those are also always glad, to play which other one. The Countrymusic must live on, but goes only even if one new ways goes.
Christian Lamitschka: What’s unique about you that differentiates you from other artists?
Country Manny: Completely clearly, my instruments, key board and harmonica and naturally singing in the Jonny cash voting situation., as soloist. I do not know a musician in the Countryszene with this instrumenting in Germany.
Christian Lamitschka: What has been your greatest challenge in the music business?
Country Manny: With mine as above mentioned instrumenting to exist which was always very difficult, and/or still is.
Christian Lamitschka: What moments in your career stand out in your memory as highlights and achievements which you are proud of?
Country Manny: My appearances in the radio and television and naturally productions of my 4 CD `for S. the praise resulting from it makes already somewhat proud me. And not to my good hit parade placements forget recently also in the USA
Christian Lamitschka: What private hopes, dreams and desires do you have?
Country Manny: My largest musical dream would be to be stood with George Strait together on the stage and sung. To remain naturally healthy and try my largest personal dream to play with my kind from Countrymusic to of pleasing humans and me further.
Christian Lamitschka: What has been the biggest disappointment in your life?
Country Manny: Due to my atypical instrumenting to be smiled at again and again and for full partly also not be taken.
Christian Lamitschka: Is there any place you haven’t played that you would like to?
Country Manny: Naturally in Nashville in the Grand old Opry or with the fan fair. That might be largest for each Country musicians.
Christian Lamitschka: : What can your fans expect to see when they see you in concert?
Country Manny: The love for the Countrymusic which I to my fans close to bring would like.
Christian Lamitschka: Many music fans today get their information about artists via the internet. Do you have your own website and what will fans find there?
Country Manny: Under my web page one can actually experience everything over me. However at present only into German. Is English in work.
Christian Lamitschka: What message would you like to send your fans?
Country Manny: Repeatedly looks and comes to my appearances on my web page. I will not disappoint you. Also times nice email writes me. answer comes guaranteed back. But only if it which nice written is. And my CD buy you `S.
Christian Lamitschka: Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans that we haven’t covered?
Country Manny: God protects you and our Music. Visits Live Country Music meetings and buys our CD `to s and DVD `S. only like that is further lebensfähig the Country Music. We Country musician are gladly for you there. Power completely simply advertisement for the Countrymusic..Excuses my bad English
Christian Lamitschka ( )