again the Grand Ole Opry management is making what they call changes. 
They have terminated employment of keyboard player Tim Atwood who has 38 years
of service with the Opry, and fiddle player Hoot Hester who also has been with
the Opry for many years.  As you can see by the article below, no reason
was given, no personal meeting, just a phone call.  It is sad to think
that The Grand Ole Opry cares so little for their employees, and fires and
hires at will, no matter how long or how much each one of these musicians gave
of their time, effort, and their lives to make the Opry one of the great live
venue’s in the world and where country music has its home.
surely cannot be the reason for letting both of these great professional
musicians pass through the doors of the non-employed.  I am sure that
there was a severance package given to each one of these musicians, and no
doubt they were advised to not talk about their loss of employment, and if they
did talk about it, then I am sure they were told that their severance pay would
be curtailed in some way shape or form.  I feel we all know who had a hand
in letting Tim and Hoot go, and there is no doubt it was done with the least
amount of compassion for either of these musicians.  I keep wondering if
either Tim or Hoot did something to warrant their being terminated from their
job’s at the Opry. 
the past, those who have been let go, were never given a reason and if there
was a reason, they were probably told that silence is their key to their
severance pay.  Opry management has no feeling for anyone that they wish
to terminate.  I wonder what kind of life a certain person at the Opry
will have when he no longer is employed at the Grand Ole Opry.  And when
he is falling down the ladder he climbed to success, he will have to meet those
that he stepped all over to get to the top, and you can be sure his decline
will not be a good time of his life.  He has hurt a lot of good people in
his time on his lofty perch, and he will have to live with some of the
decisions that have hurt so many musicians who gave their all to the
Opry.  I sometimes wonder if those who have been fired or terminated, did
something that is not public knowledge, and if so, then I hope that one of
those who has lost their job in the past few years, will come forward and tell
the real story.  Over the years those who have lost their jobs at the Opry
have never come forward to speak any negative comments regarding their
dismissal, so it sure does leave a bad taste in our mouths, but dealing with
the Opry, is like dealing with the devil himself. 
try not to write negative things about the Opry because I want to see The
Mother Church of Country Music
be as strong as she once was. Half of the
members who have been inducted into the Opry over the past several years are
never there.  Garth Brooks talks a good game, Carrie Underwood used to pay
her dues to the Opry, Trisha Yearwood forgot directions to the Opry just like
her husband.  The Opry cannot survive without its members not giving her
the breath to live by breathing new life into her soul so that she can survive
the ups and downs of the country music industry.  The legends are
dwindling every year, and soon there will only be the new members by name, not
by their appearances.  Their acceptance speeches mostly have been
worthless by their actions of never appearing on the stage where they promised
with all of their heart that they would covet for the rest of their
life’s, and that The Grand Ole Opry would be their home forever. 
The ones who have kept their promise to help keep the Opry alive are the
legendary members, Jean Shepard, Little Jimmy Dickens, Stonewall Jackson, Jan
Howard, Jeannie Seely, and many of the musicians who make the music that allows
the Opry to stay alive. 
once again we see two more of Nashville’s great musicians fired,
terminated, let go, whatever the reason, and like former firings, no reason
given, or possibly management was too embarrassed to give a reason.  I
would bet good money that those let go were given ultimatums of what would
happen should they spill the beans on why they were let go.  I have always
been told that there are two sides to every story, so what are the stories
behind these terminations.
would hate to think that Tim Atwood and Hoot Hester caused their own
termination, but that could be.  No doubt there are legal ramifications
regarding this.  I really believe that sooner or later, one of those who has
been fired or let go over the past several years, will finally come to the
conclusion that the truth needs to be told, and I hope they come to me with the
story.  There is nothing I would like better  than to know what
really goes on behind the closed doors of the Grand Ole Opry.  Squeaky
clean is what you think, but trust me, it is not lily white as it looks. 
There is no way that the Opry so-called Family IS A FAMILY.  Looks are
deceiving, but what the public doesn’t see or hear, will not hurt them,
as long as they keep coming to buy a ticket to see the Grand Ole Opry. 
Maybe you might have an opportunity to meet the GM and ask him personally what
causes all of this turmoil behind the scenes.  I think it would be great
if all of the fans would start a “Let’s Ask Someone About The
Status of The Grand Ole Opry.”
closing, I wonder if the Opry can survive the non-commitment of its’ new
members who pledged to keep her alive by being a part of her history, and up
till now most of them have forgot where the Grand Ole Opry House is, and what
its significance is to country music, OR DO THEY REALLY CARE.  I
was told that money comes first, and I guess the Opry comes in a distance
can come to your own conclusion.  The above article is my opinion and I am
sharing it with you.  The following article below is in regards to the
dismissal of Hoot Hester and Tim Atwood. 


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