Interview with Due West
by Christian Lamitschka for Country Music News International Magazine & Radio Show
Lamitschka: Music has many new fans throughout Europe who may be hearing about you for the first time. How would you describe yourself and the music you play to someone who has never seen or heard you?
Three guys who grew up in three different small towns in the West – met in Nashville at a house party where they quickly discovered how well the three of there voices blended together. The sound is deeply influenced by harmony country bands of the 90s ala Diamond Rio, Alabama and Shenandoah to name a few. Many folks who become fans of Due West are drawn to the catchy and relatable subject matter found in their songs.
Three guys who grew up in three different small towns in the West – met in Nashville at a house party where they quickly discovered how well the three of there voices blended together. The sound is deeply influenced by harmony country bands of the 90s ala Diamond Rio, Alabama and Shenandoah to name a few. Many folks who become fans of Due West are drawn to the catchy and relatable subject matter found in their songs.
Lamitschka: Do you write the songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?
Our song selection process contains a little of both. We have all been professional song writers for the past 7 to 10 years and between the 3 of us, we have had songs recorded by Lady Antebellum, Bucky Covington, Thompson Square, and the Bellamy Brothers. Having said that, we are cognizant of the abundance of great songs in Nashville, written by world famous song writers who live right here in our city. When we’re choosing songs to record, we throw our songs into the pile with the other songs that have been pitched to us by other writers. We, along with our producer Garth Fundis, choose songs as objectively as we can, simply trying to find the best songs that fit what we’re trying to do. We place a lot of weight on Garth’s opinion because he is so well known as a “song guy.” He has matched many successful songs with many successful artists and we would be crazy not to take his opinion into strong consideration.
Our song selection process contains a little of both. We have all been professional song writers for the past 7 to 10 years and between the 3 of us, we have had songs recorded by Lady Antebellum, Bucky Covington, Thompson Square, and the Bellamy Brothers. Having said that, we are cognizant of the abundance of great songs in Nashville, written by world famous song writers who live right here in our city. When we’re choosing songs to record, we throw our songs into the pile with the other songs that have been pitched to us by other writers. We, along with our producer Garth Fundis, choose songs as objectively as we can, simply trying to find the best songs that fit what we’re trying to do. We place a lot of weight on Garth’s opinion because he is so well known as a “song guy.” He has matched many successful songs with many successful artists and we would be crazy not to take his opinion into strong consideration.
Lamitschka: Your current single is being played by radio. What do you feel is special about this song that makes people want to hear it?
It competes with everything that is current on Country radio, and I believe that it helps that the fans can relate to the song.
It competes with everything that is current on Country radio, and I believe that it helps that the fans can relate to the song.
Lamitschka: Who inspires you musically and how deep do your musical roots run?
honestly, I’ve been inspired by so many Country artists, that it’s hard to name all of them. I’ve been buying albums since I was 10 years old and still haven’t stopped. My iPod starts with Hank Sr. , and goes all the way to Josh Turner. I love Country Music!
honestly, I’ve been inspired by so many Country artists, that it’s hard to name all of them. I’ve been buying albums since I was 10 years old and still haven’t stopped. My iPod starts with Hank Sr. , and goes all the way to Josh Turner. I love Country Music!

Lamitschka: What inspired you to become an artist?
I have always loved harmony. I think that what inspired me to become an artist was the feeling of being part of a group that creates harmony together. I love being part of a group in which each member brings something to the table, both musically and personally… it truly inspires me. Tim and Matt complete that feeling for me through the parts they sing and the personalities they each posses. I think that I’m a bigger fan of these two guys than any Due West fan could ever be The fact that I get to harmonize and play music with these guys is inspiring.
I have always loved harmony. I think that what inspired me to become an artist was the feeling of being part of a group that creates harmony together. I love being part of a group in which each member brings something to the table, both musically and personally… it truly inspires me. Tim and Matt complete that feeling for me through the parts they sing and the personalities they each posses. I think that I’m a bigger fan of these two guys than any Due West fan could ever be The fact that I get to harmonize and play music with these guys is inspiring.
Lamitschka: What moments in your career stand out in your memory as highlights and achievements which you are proud of?
Everyday that we get to create and play music for a living – we recognize as a HUGE achievement! We’re blessed and honored to be in the music business.
Everyday that we get to create and play music for a living – we recognize as a HUGE achievement! We’re blessed and honored to be in the music business.
Lamitschka: When you get time off, how do you like to relax?
Tim: I like to spend as much time as I can with my wife and kids.
Lamitschka: When you’re on tour, do you have time to play tourist?
We don’t get to see much of the areas we visit while on tour. We mostly see the insides of airports, hotel rooms and venues. But when we are in a major U.S. city, my favorite thing to do is to catch an MLB baseball game. I’ve got a goal to visit all 30 MLB baseball parks. I have visited 14 so far, 4 of which I’ve visited while on the road with Due West.
We don’t get to see much of the areas we visit while on tour. We mostly see the insides of airports, hotel rooms and venues. But when we are in a major U.S. city, my favorite thing to do is to catch an MLB baseball game. I’ve got a goal to visit all 30 MLB baseball parks. I have visited 14 so far, 4 of which I’ve visited while on the road with Due West.
Lamitschka: Many music fans today get their information about artists online. Do you have your own website and what will fans find there?
Matt: Yes, we have duewest.com which we often say is the portal to all things Due West. We love staying current on all the social networking sites, and enjoy staying in close contact with our growing family of Due West fans.
Lamitschka: What message would you like to send your European fans?
We hope that our European fans will continue to join with us on the ride of our lives! It’s exciting to think that we are starting to build a fan base outside of our home land and we honestly can’t wait to tour the beautiful European countries. Hopefully, we will have the opportunity to visit soon!
We hope that our European fans will continue to join with us on the ride of our lives! It’s exciting to think that we are starting to build a fan base outside of our home land and we honestly can’t wait to tour the beautiful European countries. Hopefully, we will have the opportunity to visit soon!
Christian Lamitschka ( CountryMusicNewsInternational@googlemail.com )