CD Review: Chase Rice – Lambs & Lions


& Lions

Lions –  4:06 On tonight –  Unforgettable – 3:39 Eyes on You – 3:02 Saved
Me – 3:29

One Love, One Kiss, One Drink, One
Song – 3:17 Jack Daniels Showed Up – 3:04 Three Chords & The Truth –3:54
Amen – 3:55 This Cowboy’s Hat (feat. Ned Ledoux) 5:04

Let me take a listen, oh wait I
already did yesterday and I think I like it. I’m not really sure, though. You
know, with Christmas only a few weeks away and the holiday shopping to figure
out. My daughter’s the most difficult, and the most important. I think I’m
gonna hit the Dollar Store for everyone else on my list. So, let’s get into it.

Lions,begins with, “The Lord’s Prayer,” so maybe a
religious album. I could be wrong. Religious symbolism fuses the lyrics
together. But, then again Muhammed Ali’s famous “Float like a butterfly,
Sting like a bee” is also used. Powerful vocals and chords, balanced by
angelic backup singers, grasp the eardrums compelling you to dive deeper; an
outstanding overture. 

Unforgettable, a slow melodic country ballad, is
strung together with the harmonious peace and beauty of the vocals. A duet is
the only way this song could be any better. Eyes on You, kind of fits in
the same love song category. I’m not too thrilled with this one. I believe its
placement could have been better. It’s not a bad song, the writing is strong
and the melody is fine.

Saved Me, begins with some deep introspection. It’s very relatable.
I know when I am really hungover watching the sun come up still awake from the
previous night’s activities, I step into that train of thought. It picks up the
pace during the chorus.

One Love, One Kiss, One Drink, One
is just a great title. I could base
my entire review on it. But, add the song and you just struck platinum. Once
the boot strikes the floor, kicking out the title lyrics your head’ll bounce
like a metronome’s pendulum. It’s a tune you could put on repeat, drive
cross-country, and blast the entire ride. Looking for a second opinion, my
daughter stuck on the headphones, she concurred.

Jack Daniels Showed Up,this is just a straight up fun song,
most likely a fan favorite. Three Chords & The Truth, is a great
story and a tribute to inspirational artists.

Amen, is a slow song. It’s got a keyboard/piano and I would
usually say a fiddle, but in this sense, I have to call it a violin. The
background singers sound like a church choir and probably are. Lyrically, this
has to be placed on a pedestal above the rest. And, The Cowboy’s Hat, is
just a powerhouse. I just can’t say much more than that.

Usually, I scan through bands and
pick the artists I think will do. This one was just out of the blue. I didn’t
know what I was going to get. I guess with all my bad luck on lotto cards
lately it was finally my turn and I hit the jackpot.

Written for Country Music News
International by Jeremy Frost

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