Miss Mary Ann and the Ragtime Wranglers – Danger Moved West
Danger Moved West- Little Ole You- You Made a Hit- Strange Things- The Blues Come Around-
Honey- Fine Tuning Buddy- I Ain’t that Strong- Do You Wanna Rock- So You Think You’ll Come
Back- Knock Knock Rattle- Falling for You- Make the Most of It- I’ve Got
Leaving on my Mind- Blue Days, Black Nights- I Can’t Stop Lovin’ You
It was the stangest thing. I would play this album and I found myself traveling back in time,
over and over again… I found myself thinking I am listening to the
1950’s. I’m listening to some long lost Johnny Cash, or Buddy Holly
song. Which is another element of the album that I enjoyed. It was
very ecclectic in the number of influences it drew from. One song might
feel like Rock-a-Billy, the next Elvis, John Cash era country… every
song built a larger and larger foundation.
This said, I am a critical person by nature, and if I’m gonna
compliment someone… I also try to dig and find some things I don’t
like about their work… I know some folks don’t like to hear criticism,
and I don’t want to give it unless… It is something I actually felt
worth talking about in the first place. I can only ask you take it into
consideration when weighing out my opinions.
What I didn’t like was… the sound production at times felt like
it was produced in the fifties as well. The first four songs on the
album were quick paced, but because of this pacing and the vocals being
over powered by the rest of the band… I struggled to hear the words
Miss Mary Ann was singing. In principal I liked the opening song,
“Danger Moved West” with its country ballad structure. I just wished I
could have heard it better.
I really enjoyed her version of Hank Williams, “The Blues
Come Around,” which thankfully didn’t feel Bluesy at all to me, but
wherein Miss Mary Ann’s voice resounded. It also had plenty of stand up
bass, and electric guitar for those who’d hear it. While Miss Mary Ann
wrote six of the songs played, another one of my favorites, and one
some of you might recognize is the Rex Allen song, “Knock, Knock
Rattle,” originally penned by Clyde Mitchell.
Overall it was a great album. I hope you get a chance to
buy a copy, or see this band live in concert, and hear it for yourself.
Michael Markman for Country Music News International Magazine