Hillbilly Music
There Is A Time – Roses Are Red –
Darling Pal Of Mine – All For The Love Of Sunshine – Ballad of James Lee
– Old Side Of Town – Wild Side Of Town – I Love – I Really Don’t Want
To Know – It’s All Over But The Crying – Rock, Salt, And Nails – Alone
And Forsaken – Bouquet Of Roses – Reunion In Heaven
Bobby Atkins was a three-time
member of Bill Monroe’s Bluegrass Boys, a one time member of Charlie
Monroe’s Kentucky Partners, and a one-time member of Jim Eanes
Shenandoah Valley Boys. He’s a vaulted member of ‘America’s Old Time
Country Music Hall of Fame,’ and he’s one of the most highly respected
banjo players and vocalists in bluegrass music. On this particular
album of hillbilly music, Bobby is joined by his son Mark on this
beautiful interpretation of early American mountain music, or as it was
once discriminated against by calling it ‘hillbilly’ music. Mark has
worked and recorded with his dad for 30 years now. Joining in on some
of the other vocal renditions is Heather Berry a two-time nominee for
IBMA vocalist of the year, and Toby Mabe, a multi-talented musician and
singer. Together, in Bobbie’s studio for Thunderbolt Records, they have
put together a unique and very listenable CD of those early songs that
were once labeled ‘hillbilly.’ The first song “There Is A Time” is very
like ‘Wayfarin’ Stranger’ maybe deliberately. It was written by the
Dillards, another great hillbilly band. Bobby cut his teeth with the
masters, and he definitely shines with that experience and knowledge.
He’s one of our very best American ‘true’ musicians and bluegrass
artists. “Hillbilly’ is defined in the American College Dictionary as
‘a person living in the backwoods or mountains,’ exactly where a lot of
American’s today ‘wish’ they could live. Ain’t it the truth! And the
music hasn’t changed that much in the hands, mind, and banjo of Bobby
Atkins. It’s still true, it’s still sincere, it’s still honest, and
it’s still very real. Good luck to Bobby Atkins and his fellow players
on this outstanding old-timey music CD. I shall immediately send it
along to the Rural Roots Music Commission to see what they think, and I
believe I already know their verdict. Pack the suitcase Bobby, you
might as well plan on a trip to Iowa, if you can make it.