Allison Moorer – Show
Universal South
Titel: Day You Said Goodbye, Don’t Cry No Tears, Alabama Song, Yessirree, I’ll Break Before I Bend, Let Go, Steal The Sun, Bring Me All Your Lovin’, Is Heaven Good Enough For You, Going Down, Send Down An Angel, Dying Breed, No Next Time, Cold Cold Earth, Bully Jones
Am 04. Januar 2003 betrat Allison Moorer die Bühne des 12ten & Porter in Nashville, um ihr erstes Live-Album aufzunehmen. Die Halle war restlos ausverkauft und die Menge tobte, als mit Rock/Rap-Star Kid Rock, Lonesome Bob, dem langjährigen Duettpartner von Allison und ihrer Schwester Grammy Award Gewinnerin Shelby Lynne gleich drei Gaststars auftraten. Allison gab ihren Zuhörern einen unvergeßlichen Abend, der zur Freude ihrer Fans auf CD und DVD gebrannt wurde. Zusätzlich enthält die DVD den Track „Cold, Cold Earth“. Für alle Allison Moorer Fans empfiehlt sich: SCHNELL zugreifen, da die Kombination CD + DVD nur eine LIMITED EDITION ist.
On January 4th 2003 did Allison Moorer get on to the Stage of the 12th & Porter in Nashville to record her first Live-Album. The place was totally sold out and crowd went crazy when with Rock/Rap-Star Kid Rock, Lonesome Bob, and the long-time Duet partner from Allison and her Sister, Grammy Award Winner Shelby Lynne- three guest stars- went on to the stage with her. And Allison gave her listeners an unforgettable evening that for the joy of everyone was also put on CD and DVD. As a special for the DVD- the Track „Cold, Cold Earth“ was recorded as well. For all Allison Moorer Fans: Hurry up, the CD&DVD combination is a LIMITED EDITION.
Translation by Charlotte Bailey-Smith