has come to my attention that a Tribute CD recorded by Ray Sanders,
“Ray To Ray,”
could not be played because Ray Sanders was not
on a major label.  That makes me believe that for whatever reason, all of
the time and effort put into this project goes for nothing, if the music will
not being able to be played on one of the biggest radio stations in the
world.  I listened to all songs on the CD, and the performance and
production was super.  I was told that  could not play this CD
because it was not on a major record label.  The financial expense that
was put into this project by Ray Sanders, hopefully did not go for naught, only
to be told that he has to be on a major record label for airplay.  I hope
this is wrong, but I am afraid that it is correct, and that is a
turn down an artist who in the past has had many records on a major label,
especially now when he is paying tribute to Ray Price, does not seem to fit
into our country music industry as something good.  Why do artists go into
a recording studio, spend their money to record music, if they cannot get it
played on the stations that are important for their career, plus it is not like
Ray Sanders is someone who just started in country music.  I would say
that he has paid his dues.
the product and performance of an artist is not radio friendly, then I agree it
should not get played, but I have listened to Ray Sanders 10 song CD, and I was
impressed, and it is radio friendly. I know that Ray Price would have been
happy with this tribute from Ray Sanders. 
Martel for Country Music News International

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