It is time for Mike Curb, Pres. of Curb Records to step back and acknowledge that Tim McGraw has made him more money than any artist that he has ever had as long as he had Tim under contract.  Mike Curb has been a very influential and generous man in our music community and his generosity has touched so many with good things in their lives, but now it is time to let go, and allow Tim to move ahead with his music career.  Tim McGraw can now record with whoever he wishes, record all the material he wants to, and release that material also when he wants, by order of the judge and court.
I believe that Mike Curb is at a crossroads in his life with Curb Records, that it is time to pull the legal plug and both Mike and Tim go their own ways.  They both have put a wedge between what was once a great relationship between them.  To go on battling over legalities that seem to have only one recourse and that is for Tim to be totally free from Curb Records.  I wonder why either of these people would want to continue on drawing the line and saying “I will not give in.”  Sounds like a matter of principle to one side, and to the other side, it seems to be “I have done what I promised.”  If a person is held back by another by the words on a piece of paper, and those words have been legally performed, it seems those words are not be for the good of either of these men to continue to put a black mark on more nasty legal problems.  To hold someone back after they have fulfilled their part of an agreement, is not right, in my eyes, but that is only my opinion.
Tim is free to record new music, and next week Tim announced that he would be releasing a new Christmas song, “Christmas All Over the World.”  The title is a great title, but to continue on with this legal battle which will be back in court sometime in July 2012, only brings negative promotion to our industry and that is not what we need in these times of terrible world economics.  Christmas is a time of joy and giving, so my resolution is for Tim to let Curb complete the release of the album “Emotional Traffic,” and begin doing his music his way, and for Curb to release the CD in its entirety to the world, and enjoy more success off of the works of Tim McGraw.
Finally, I would suggest that Tim McGraw and Mike Curb, go behind closed doors, and keep their attorney’s outside of that meeting room.  Sit down like adults and businessmen and iron out their problems.  Remember there was a time that Tim was looking for a record label and Mike gave him that opportunity.  They must have sat down then in a private meeting to find out what each one expected of the other, and there must have been a friendship then, and to let it get out of hand by saying, “He said, I said, they said,” is no longer the way two old friends bury the hatchet.  Tim McGraw and Mike Curb are both wealthy and need not allow the fans and our industry to watch as they slap each other around.  Go back to the good times, back up and look at the past, and find a solution to the future.  Personal feelings, money, and anger are not the way to heal wounds and then scars.
None of us know what really is going on, but the judge has given Tim McGraw his freedom, and Tim should take this freedom and move on, and Mike Curb needs to release the CD project that is his last music project with Tim, and go forward and find a new Tim McGraw to be successful with.
I hate to see two successful people put a cloud over themselves.  There is always a way to work things out.  Let there be Christmas All Over the World.

Marty Martel©

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